Blizzard Please Listen

We are sick and tired of joining epic bgs and going against a premade groups, forcing everyone to leave and take a 15 minute deserter penalty. Can blizzard please fix this? Premade groups should be in rated bgs.

In the last two days I have tried playing at least 20 epic bgs and at least 15 of them were premade, everyone leaves the match.

This is #1 bs, please fix this!


Are you sure they were premade? How can you tell?

Many of the opponents from the same realm and similar name + everyone else complaining. This is an obvious problem for many players and many complaints are being filed

Premades are actually never from the same server and nobody names themselves similarly lmao

Some of the people leading these premades are from servers that are dead as heck

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Same realm wouldnt mean its a premade similar name points towards the supposed multi boxing boomy ive been seeing the name of around forums and everyone complaining is just what LFG/pugs do is once things arent freelo they complain and come to forums like you yourself are doing now
Can always sadly try joining a community to play and if you really dont have time to do it and you know premades are such an issue have you tried once being upset over something inside of a video game just not playing said part of the game maybe go mog run play a new toon play the faction thats “premade spamming” you for couple bgs in order to win idk man theres options you rly dont need to add to the hundreds of post of the same topic

I saw plenty of people with similar names from the same realms actually… this is facts. There is an obvious premade bgs issue and blizzard doesn’t seem keen on fixing it

if they were all of one class, it’s a multi boxer
Else, you’re coping lol

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Personally I only play bgs and arenas sometimes, nothing else. There is an obvious issue with these premade groups abusing the epic battlegrounds, everyone sees it.

This is not rocket science, go play 10 matches and see how many premises you’ll find


nobody is forcing you to leave. why are you leaving?

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It’s fieldarmy, they have a post here. It seems to be common in CN where they have the same name.

Multiboxing today in PVP would be a hot-mess, because if it wasn’t I would be playing 5 mm hunters.

Fair, I’ve literally never seen these field army fellas


Why wouldn’t you leave, a bunch of random players including newbies going up against a well thought out, class diverse team?

Do you enjoy being target practice?

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so you only stay in games where you will win?

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No, when i find multiple players with similar names and same realms and an overwhelming advantage against my team it’s an obvious premade

do you at least give it a college try?

I bet they do

(Leaves the bg after 2 teammates die in the first teamfight)


I get the outrage if its similar names cause that leads to multiboxing accusation but like the similar realms is just not rly a point anymore to be upset over just cause most if not all premades horde and alliance both use communities not guilds to form their premade 40 mans for the epic bgs

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Sometimes the names are easily recognized but whats most telling is the strats used.

So easy to tell the difference between a premade and a true random


Its honestly annoying, and trust me the complaints won’t end with only me. Blizzard needs to do something.

Random Epic BGs have turned into a game of desertion


Im just waiting for the solo queue mode because in wow we can never have nice things. There is a lot of shenanigan that goes down in random bgs not to mention this game always have horrible exploits and bugs cheating rotation scripts add ons etc. Its supposed to be a casual fun mode but never really has been. Solo BG has potential to be THE casual mode because by design it hopefully somewhat protects player from abusive behaviors and still gives even better pvp rewards than randoms.