Blizzard Please Listen

I burn bread…it’s a thing …why i can’t make bread eludes me…i honestly think it’s the propane stove versus an electric one

There used to be an addon that would queue several 5 man groups at the exact same time and they would specific queue for the same bg.

Most of the time you’d get 2-3 of those 5 mans in an epic and that amount of people with coms and coordination will absolutely destroy a random group.

Pretty sure they removed it from the game though.

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I love cooking in the crock…the smell in the house all day is awesome. Have you ever tried making keilbosa in apricot preserve it is to die for i have yet to find anyone who doesnt like that. perfect toothpick food for get togethers and so easy to make as it’s just preserves and keilbosa cut in like 1/4 in sections

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that was Oqueue, and they did remove it, but at the time said they wouldn’t do anything about queue syncing as long as it was players coordinating and not an addon doing the queuing.


yeah they don’t allow anything for addons to que multiple groups into bgs

they block addons from using the queue option on the UI, you need to manually click it

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I’ve just done roasts and chicken so far. But I’ll definitely branch out more and more. The minimal cleanup with a crock pot is really appealing to me. Lol

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I think I’ve been in a discord where they would all count down and hit queue at the same time.

I’m not saying doing this is the right thing to do but being in an AV where you’re just stomping the enemy at a choke point is an experience. :joy:

It’s been 10 years at least since I did this (maybe for a few weeks?) but I remember it being very fun as long as you were on the winning side.

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like i say grab a couple kielbasa’s cut that into 1/4 in sections one jar of preserves cook on high for apporx 3 hrs then put it on low for a couple hrs…it glazes nicely easiest recipe i have for the amount of goodness…that comes out. as i say people will love it …it always goes so fast tho :frowning: but that’s a good thing right?

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Premades have been around since the beginning. People need to stop crying and move on or make some friends. Friends will always find a way to play together and have fun. Not that I like stomping pugs, but all the other opposing premades are just afraid, they stand no chance against the goats.

No they didn’t lol. They said the opposite.

i haven’t seen anyone afraid of them i have seen people who refuse to play against them due to their farming and toxic mentality only but never heard anyone being afraid to play against em.


oh is it opposite day?

I never queue premades anymore.

Now I like to target the same healer over and over until they leave or get mad enough to whisper me :joy:

Daxxari’s exact words are “Pre-mades in the normal queue, however they are formed, are not something that we’ve ever been particularly fond of. It had become more of an issue of late, so we addressed it accordingly.”

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what else did he say?

Toxicity is the other communities definition for losing. It’s a regurgitation from meso. Yet he has a yell macro that translates to alliance “haha I kill”. Our discord is very fun and we have 20+ on every night. Maybe stop clicking and you’ll prob do better in game.


What is true that there’s been an increase in pre-made groups disrupting the PvP experience for other players, though. Pre-mades in the normal queue, however they are formed, are not something that we’ve ever been particularly fond of. It had become more of an issue of late, so we addressed it accordingly.

Perhaps this seemed to be your personal experience, but I assure you that this was far from generally the case. Regardless, what of the games that you played that weren’t against other pre-mades? Just hapless casualties to your fun, I suppose?

Based on your enthusiasm for “true Player vs Player” combat, I’m sure that you’ll find War Games and Rated Battlegrounds quite compelling.

12/04/2012 03:01 PM Posted by Xaeva

You gave us everything we needed, including the idea, but then turned around and slapped our hands, pointed a finger, called us a name and said, this is NOT for you, it is for the REAL players.

You’ve made the assumption that all those things were accomplished expressly so that you could queue into battlegrounds as an organized group against disorganized opponents? That assumption is mistaken. If you want organized PvP against organized opponents, as you claim, that experience is readily available.

No one’s wrist was slapped. There have been no suspensions over this issue. We’re just making our stance on the subject clear, so that there’s no room for misunderstanding.


obviously some people do not know the meaning of the word toxic but that’s ok to each their own.

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how come you are leaving out the part where they said they would do nothing about people syncing because they can’t regulate what goes on in third part platforms?