Blizzard Please Listen

Just save your upcoming arthritis and say you don’t have one and you made it up.

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made what up?

Doesn’t matter what you come back with. Pre mades are always gonna be here and all you can do is cry, /afk or get rekt.

Was that really your takeaway after reading what Blizzard wrote?

Blizzard: “Premade raids drive players away from PvP.”

Premade raider: “Ok, I hear what you’re saying, but it’s ok if we form premade raids manually right?”

Blizzard: :man_facepalming:


i don’t really think they care about epic premades speedrunning wintergrasp and competing for the fastest time like its timetrial. they made changes back then because it would be a 10 man team in WSG who would GY camp for 3 hours straight at 2/3 caps.

the general issue with your argument is that reality doesn’t match your claims, people claim they are afking to avoid a 3 hour farm fest but my average game this season has been around 10 minutes.

some people are very salty about this because they afk right from the start and then after their deserter wears off, they get right back into our very next game.

FRAAM is too good for me. I don’t want to corrupt them.


Woah there. I’m sorry but I don’t recall writing anything directed at you.

Can you please point out what I wrote that upset you so I do it again?

If you’re frustrated that you’re mainly just roflstomping pugs and it’s getting boring, please don’t take it out on me.

You mean we won ??? but we are afraid??? I am not sure what side you are on here…if we win then why would we be afraid? I assure you… people stopped playing that community because they found them to not play to win they play to just farm and berate other players when they have the advantage. There are some that won’t play because they do not want anything to do with the members of that team and there are some that don’t play them because they are toxic. Truth is I have heard nothing about anyone being afraid across every community I am in. sorry that doesn’t fit your narrative but that’s the truth of it.


Like I have been saying toxicity …it’s their thing I guess…farming and all those things they find fun

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which is more toxic, trash talking or retalition outside of the bg instance for losing?

i dunno i was silenced on forums and there were many djl flagged in forums because we said anything about them…what were you asking again? Torture is still silenced if i recall…

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All you can say are regurgitated words from some of the salty sas leaders, Y’all are brainwashed with their partial truths from the hidden leader’s channel. The top dpsers of sas didn’t move just because. It’s deeper than that, they pushed us away. A long time sas member messaged me on bnet after his team left them to slaughter by afking. He said those people are weak and sas does not have a firepower to go against bsg.

the forum crowd is a lot more fickle than discord and in game, you can’t say the same things here that you can there. no idea who reported you all but if i want to get back at someone, i find them alone in a corner in AV.

There is a rumor going around of me being on a KOS list because i wouldn’t reciprocate someone’s advances on me in discord…i’m still not sure what that’s all about but that’s the rumor. I find that toxic in itself

go back and look at your posts in discord, you don’t think they seem a bit like you are screaming for that kind of attention?

and the woman in a miniskirt desires to be … yeah seems bout right huh

At any rate the truth is the truth …take it for what it is …or don’t I don’t care honestly. Most people refuse to play against that community because of toxicity and their style of gameplay.

well every time you guys afk, not everyone on your team afks with you, and those players don’t appreciate being left behind, win or lose many are just here to pvp and have a good time, their leader telling them to afk and waste time because of some personal beef they don’t care about isn’t something most people want to put up with.


As someone who is, or was?, in the same discord as hellkitty. Hellkitty is great. I can’t say the same for the majority of these toxic communities.

If you had access on that leaders channel, your viewpoint would change. Those leaders picked on people who they didn’t like, over and over until we couldn’t take it any longer. I saw it all. Also, our bgs are always quick, we make sure the pugs were against get a quick loss.

Thank you i try to have fun …the communities i am in are pretty cool. Nowadays more so really with the loss of some of the more toxic elements. It’s sad we lost some really cool players though whilst those elements were here.