Blizzard Please Listen

I offered a 6v6 where you bring your best friends versus 6 people I know. The only way that could be an unfair advantage would be if you thought you were outclassed (which… no kidding–I wouldn’t have offered otherwise, the entire point was giving you a taste of your own medicine lol).

You said that because you knew I don’t have 40 active btags–let alone 40 who would be online/willing at the same time. Lol

Assembling an entire EBG community to pound you into the dirt one time (provided you didn’t come up with your 600th excuse) then abandon it because I don’t like EBGs probably isn’t ever going to be on my to-do list, sorry.

But hey, at least we get to have this same conversation for the 50th time when you ego someone next if I notice it.

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so you have no idea what it takes to build a community yet want to criticize those who do.

no idea what you are going for here

“Hey guys, just started a new Epic BG community.” cut to people joining.

I started a community just to help with inviting horde alts into a guild, and I passively get people requesting invites. You challenging doors to gather 40 people to fight you in an epic wargame is a cop-out. The people who care about Epics are already in communities. When we bring it up in discord, people will flat-out tell you that they have 0 interest in doing an Epic BG.

Asking people to join an epic community for a 1-shot game is a dead end.

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so find different people

Generally I just criticize you for bullying people on here. I’m not like a big fan of EBG communities but I typically only bother saying anything about them when you (or they) swarm people for saying ‘Hey Blizzard, this is unfair.’

If you had an archeology community that would be different. Lol

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pointing out the issue when people demand blizzard change the game so they can win without trying isn’t bullying.

50% win rate in rated BGs. Seems randoms don’t get stomped against the likes of you when it’s an even fight.

90% unrated win rate might be an ego boost for you, but to everyone else, it’s sad


yolos for filling the vault isn’t something i consider serious

oh yay, we have almost the entire anti-inemia brigade here, just need Holycow and Tidepodzs

But you were the one who said it… you claimed randoms get stomped by you and your friends.

Why aren’t you stomping in rated? Oh wait… we already know :joy:


because im playing epics? you can’t do both at the same time

BINGO! Full circle.

You only stomp in epics where you get the voice chat and targeting add on advantage


why wouldn’t we use voice and target calling in rated? you seem to be missing the point, im not playing rated because when i log in, i join epic teams and they queue for epic bgs. if someone says “hey, you want to do a yolo while we wait” then i usually join, but rateds for vault aren’t played with the same level of enthusiasm as ebgs, hence there is no drive to push rating.

This whole debate is like groundhog day…honestly


its not like anyone comes up with anything new, people just running to blizz demanding they make them happy

Funny how you only seem to find that drive in heavily inflated seasons.

or maybe i was after a mog, my only real pushes involve goth and lovecraftian mogs.

Just switch to horde and play with fraam so we can farm you too. It’s mind blowing how you have your profile on private. Are you that much of a cowardice or you think you’re just that special?

Anyone ever baked bread?

No, but getting pretty solid with a crock pot.

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