Blizzard Please Listen

I never said you did i am saying that’s what has been going around all the communities i’m in lol. did you not understand that when i wrote there was a rumor going around…I guess others saw your responses to my stuff and thought that was the reason who knows. I am all to happy to be on a KOS list …that made my day. No you have never dm’d me this is 100% true

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would you two get a room already

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We have screenshotted the sas irl channel in case they delete it like they always do, to save face lol

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Everyone that talked non sense about my group and my friends are on my kos. Everyone that planned on “how to kill plum” on sas discord is on my kos.

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Anyone who ever said I’m a middle aged woman is now on my KOS (;


You’ve been told by both Shan and myself that she wasn’t kicked for political reasons. That person was given the opportunity to cool off and has since rejoined the community, even if she is spreading lies. Lies that you’re choosing to spread despite being told by two community leads that they’re false.

to me middle aged is the age between when your brain has finished developing (25-30) and your brain starting to degrade rapidly (65+)

WAY TO RUIN MY DAY… :rage: :exploding_head:

yeah, but you can get donuts and nobody can tell you no

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Well that’s nice but I never even looked past whatever comments you left there back then. I tend to not ss discords as i consider them off limits to share.

well i never talked about how to kill plum as far as i am aware of …as it wouldn’t change my gameplay as I tend to roll defense. I may have clapped …who knows? I’ll leave it to you to scroll through ss’s It doesn’t occupy my time or mind really. I am happy to be on the KOS though because if people are wasting time with me they aren’t hitting the healers or the real dps…so that works for me :slight_smile:

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Do most people die between the ages of 90 and 130 now? Lol

Ok grandma, let’s get you out of the bgs



Actually I might be a grandma pretty soon…my 20 years old doing her thing :woman_shrugging:


Wait… What?!


Once, I took screenshots of their alt (not knowing it was them) during a Wintergrasp battle, because it had a similar name to another forum poster. After I posted a screenshot as part of a joke, they accused me of stalking them on their server in Valdrakken.

By the way, I did get their permission to take those screenshots. They even got out of their vehicle to help me out.


:clap: :clap: :clap:

That’s their plan.


You’re lucky you’re on the same faction.

Blizzard has done stuff in the past:

Premade raiders don’t listen to Blizzard and they don’t care about the health or growth of the PvP community. They keep finding ways to circumvent the restrictions of the matchmaking system.

Blizzard can’t completely stop them without wrecking queue times for everyone else.

well you were ss’ing every little thing and appeared to be following kit around like a stalker lol so i called it as that

What you did sounds toxic, sounds like allot of assuming and you know what that means…

That’s funny you said this because you are in this BG right now with DJL whom you just joined a few hours ago. Enjoy the losses!


i have a priest and pally on horde :wink:

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