Blizzard Please Listen

Going from anti premade to qing with premade tonight and yet you lost to us 3x in a row. Hope all this was worth your time joining one despite bashing premades on forums all day!


“I like your mog can i take a screen shot of it?” little did i know you were trying to ss me for other reasons lol…nah that’s not weird at all. If that was you in that wg i remember that now.

“i hate premades i just accidentally queued with one multiple times”
his response probably


Nah he legit joined DJL tonight and he was in their disc as well so Ive been told

im calling out the hypocrite btw so feel free to edit your response to me i guess lol

Didn’t mean to reply to you meant it as a general

Not to worry they aren’t toxic…now you see why no one wants to play against them…they can’t just win and say gg…betcha they farmed you too…it seems to be a common theme.

we dont usually farm pugs, but if you got your entire premade in there and are hard losing you kinda deserve to be farmed.


wait you never have your entire premade in there, you always dodge us!!!


Nah that’s not toxic farming another premade when you have the upper hand I am so glad I am not in any community with that mentality. When we have won hands down there was no farming not coming to forums unless to say great match or gg. Hell SPM beat us 0-5 i made a nice vid of it and posted it …saying gg because it was a gg. There is a big difference as you can see.


First off, I still stand on what I said, every single word. Secondly I’ve only been playing this game for about five months and strictly for pvp, I only have one character on my whole account and I don’t plan on making alts, no other race or class interests me. Thirdly I had to pick a team so I did it, i haven’t even joined a guild on my server and this is the fist ever group I joined. And lastly, I play for fun, win or lose as long as it’s fair, I’m not here to brag about who’s better.

With that being said, i stand on every word said on this topic but for the first time ever I stopped playing alone, thanks


Glad you found a good group to play with I look forward to seeing you with us when i’m playing with DJL :slight_smile:

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if you think me trolling is the entire mentality of bsg you would be wrong.


common theme

Thanks for the welcoming, I’m sure it will be tons of fun :grin:

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Yeah they are a great crowd to run with they have a lot of fun.

Um ok? Still doesnt explain why you joined a horde community tonight after bashing premades on here across a couple of threads? Do you not realize that they are a premade too, hm? And you were in their disc too. You’re nothing but a hypocrite seeking for some attention…

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Gwiyo, did you not read what I said or can’t you read? No offense. I stand on what I said and something needs to be done about the premade in random bgs, it’s not fair for most players who aren’t even in groups as I was.

I simply decided to stop being a loner and to stop getting wrecked and joined a group, it does not change my stance on premades

It’s ok at least you didn’t do anything as drastic as disbanding a community with over 800 members because you were upset. That sorta thing is reserved for only the chosen few or one. Or make a big post in forums making a scene then delete it. So you chose to finally try a premade to see what it was like …cool. At least now you will have further insight to what it’s all about and why people like being in them.


It’s fun but apples and oranges need to be separated, premades should have their own lane.

Funny how I’m already making enemies by joining a team