Blizzard Please give us Solo Dungeons

I don’t understand the idea that solo content is the one that shouldn’t have rewards. When group content makes it possible to be carried. Sometimes for $$$.

I do content with friends, so I’m personally never solo. But the solo reasoning is weird. Especially when the game was always marketed as play solo or with others. And that many confuse what MMO actually means.

Solo content makes it possible to be carried based on your spec.

Because then it’d have to be hard, and people who request solo content don’t want stuff that offers resistance.

Yes, there’s also the balancing issue of having certain specs just be much better at it, kind of like in visions. Havoc and BM were just so chill relative to some other specs, and they’d progress much further than others with far less effort.

That makes no sense. You can’t carry yourself. And other than top spec, things usually stay relatively close to each other. And even then, the problem would be balance, no the solo content.

Who says it has to be any harder than doing things with a group?

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Sure you can.

See, solo content has to be one size fits all. Unless they make a new dungeon for every single spec.

Some specs, are much more solo friendly. Some arent

Your spec abilities can definitely make solo content trivial.

Solo content, by default. Would have to be bland and lack most mechanics. Classes such as a BM hunter (or anything pet based) would have a much much easier time.

Just to do dungeons, geoup finder is fine, if you just want to see the dungeons. Heroics are easy enough that 99% of groups just run through with zero toxicity. Its pretty much running through with AI.

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Again that’s a balancing issue, not a solo issue. And they have managed to make solo conttent before without issue. Other games have solo dungeons without issue.

No they have not.

They absolutely have. They have made scenarios, a challenge tower, brawler’s guild and Torghast. And the only reason Torghast ended up unpopular was, lack of rewards.


The 3 person things? Where you arent solo?

Much easier for some specs. But the rewards were minor so not many complaints.

A TOOOOON easier for some specs. Shaman, for example, made it trivial.

The thing they made like 4-5 variations of, because one size fit all didn’t work? And even then, some specs still had a much easier or much harder time?

So no.

They have not been able to make balanced solo content.

Some scenarios aren’t 3 person.

Everything in this game is easier on some specs. Even easier if you have help from people playing better specs.

Same applies from what I’ve said above.

I said solo content. Not balanced solo content. There is no such thing and has never been a such thing as complete balance in this game. And even in group content, there are those that obviously are ahead and more often picked for group content.

Ok. And your remark is that in group play someone could be carried.

I am saying that historically, solo content is so unbalanced due to class variance…your chosen spec can also carry you.

Solo content has never come close to balance. Thats why its rewards have typically been in the cosmetic realm. Which I am fine with.

Solo dungeons shouldn’t give worthwhile rewards on par with m+/raiding. Or anywhere close. Due to how unbalanced it will inherently be. It would have to be massively dumbed down, due to how many specs cant deal with many mechanics. Because…well. Specs are different. And thats a good thing.

When you have more people around, you can use mechanics under certain assumptions. You can add in spells that have to be interrupted, for example. because odds are, someone there can interrupt regularly. In solo content, you can not do this. You’d have to completely remove the mechanic of having a spell that absolutely has to be interrupted.

Challenge Towers sorta got around this, by having different groupings. They could put certain specs together that had similar damage profiles/utility. And create a completely different scenario for each group.

Which is really not the same as being carried by others. Especially when you can die and others win it for you, you pay your gold and leave. And RMT still exists, because I’ve reported that stuff many times.

No more or less balanced than group content that has Warlock always at the top of everything.

No one has mentioned m+ nor raiding. This is regular dungeons. Like other games have, so calm down.

Give them NPCs to go through things with. Solves that problem.

Yeah, i thought it was garbage. It would have been so much better if as your ilvl went up the npcs went up with it.

But they did.

If something is trivial for no other reason than you picked, say BM Hunter. Something known for easier soloing. Then yeah.

M+ is regular dungeons. It was literally mentioned in the OP.

Why bother at that point?

Just have an NPC to talk to to give you free loot, if you want to make it that easy.

It wasn’t marketed as get the same rewards for both.

In the current game you can absolutely play solo or with others, exactly as advertised, and you get way better rewards for solo play than you did when that first box was sitting on store shelves.

Well that person is definitely asking for what isn’t in other games. Mythic+ and raid should be the group content. Like leveling, dungeons should have a solo option. And there should be more content that is solo or join a group.

I’d never see any mmorpg doing what he suggests.

What would solo normal dungeons add?

You dont get to learn mechanics. Because mechanics have to be removed to solo.

You dont get worthwhile gear upgrades you’d get otherwise. Because open world loot often rivals normal dungeons and its already solo.