Blizzard Please give us Solo Dungeons

I’ll take dungeons specifically design for solo play that adapt to your gear and wait for it….AND class!

the better your gear the harder the dungeon but the harder the dungeon the better the loot. And if people got to cry baby over the loot can’t be that good for solo add a lot of neat transmog stuff or mounts.

But blizzard would never do this because they don’t really innovate much or if they do it takes them foreveeeeeeeeerrrrrr!

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In response to that, maybe Blizz should make the MMO part more enjoyable then… Which is sadly impossible because they cannot weed out the toxicity of the community by this point.

They’d have to completely overhaul dungeons, I think. Change things to get players more involved in the content more frequently (like FF14 required dungeon runs to progress the story, which they attempted in Legion). But even then that won’t change the players who are the problem in the end.

Players complaining tanks aren’t pulling enough.

Players complaining tanks are pulling too much and rushing players who have never ran the dungeon before and can’t really get to ‘enjoy’ it .

Players that absolutely hate leveling and only care about endgame.

Players not talking to one another (another example to draw comparison from FF14’s community of players that chat in dungeons usually).

Players that are so unwelcoming to new players (again contrary to 14) and instead of helping them with ANYTHING, yells at them to go watch YouTube videos because they can’t be bothered to answer any questions.

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All dungeons and raids should have an option to solo them for decreased rewards.

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See, I played some FF14 around the end of 8.3 drought (God bless you Season 4 WoW) and I keep seeing FF14 put up on this social pedestal.

The entire time I played, people barely talked to me, it felt more like a single player RPG more than an MMO. Grossly more.

Then, when I get into the first raid finally, no one says a word about anything, and they all bum rush this elevator. I get left out because idk what I’m doing and have to just sit there and AFK for what felt like forever.

Based on my experiences, there is nothing but misinformation fed about FF14 here. The grass isn’t greener.


What if over time, the core of the player base has shifted so much that a massive chunk of the community would rather have single player ways of making meaningful progression with their characters. Lets face it, if there were alternative ways of acquiring similar gear, people would abandon raiding and M+ like rats fleeing a sinking ship lol

I think the gear exclusivity and fomo mounts will only carry things so far before the raiding and M+ communities implode.

Having said all of that, i don’t think that solo activities should give gear that beats non queued raiding or M+ content, but it wouldn’t hurt to have things like Torghast give decent loot (scaling with difficulty) and perhaps a row in the weekly vault, there’s really no harm in giving the non raiders a shot at some decent gear if they’re willing to work for it.

So according to the replies, there are already a bunch of games that do what op wants. Plus single player games.

So maybe go play those instead?

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It can still be that and still have single player modes. All MMORPGs have single player options, including this one for several things. Some have single player dungeons. And this game was originally marketed as play solo or in groups. MMO just means other people are online. It doesn’t specifically state you have to be playing with them.


OP, are you talking about mythic solo dungeons or normal levelling dungeons? Because I actually enjoy playing with others in dungeons while levelling (and in Timewalking and max level random dungeons).

Even if no one says anything in levelling dungeon groups, it takes me out of myself for a little while and comforts me to know that I’m (technically) around other players.

Players make the world feel alive.

But if you’re talking about solo mythic dungeons then I don’t mind. I don’t do mythics or raids anyways so neither affect me.

Time to focus on making your MMORPG better then. Instead of saying “well they seem to like single player better, let’s become a single player RPG, which rips the heart out of this game” they should be asking “how do we facilitate bringing players together in content better and help players build relationships?”

What’s the point of progressing your character if your character is never part of something bigger than itself?

Blizzard doesn’t do that though, they never seem to be concerned with how they can foster better behaviors or player relationships, in fact, i’d go so far as to say that they go out of their way to be as divisive as possible and maintain the us v them mentality between the hardcore/casual camps.

Also, i never said turn WoW into a single player game, i simply suggested that perhaps it’s time to accept that the player base as a whole as changed over the years and it could be time to make changes with that in mind. Giving the masses a solo way of making meaningful progression with their characters isn’t anti MMORPG, it’s just another option for an ever changing player base.


WoW needs soloable dungeons. But not like TORGASS!

The thing is WoW needs more open world stuff. In Ultima Online there was/is a good number of dungeons you can explore. Now obviously the deeper you go down many of them the harder it gets to solo and eventually you need a few more players. BUT… There is nothing stopping you from trying.

I would love to be able to go into open world dungeons. Run into players doing the same. Maybe help them out. Maybe watch their demise and post the video for laughs. Who knows, but it would be fun and entertaining. Something WoW has been lacking. I would love to see countless open dungeons spread around the game, some easy to find, some hidden. In GW2 you have many of these and even hidden jump puzzle dungeons, people love doing these. They are fun.

As far as loot. Gold and cosmetic transmog items is all you need as rewards. IMHO.

Id love this feature. I can barely stand to group with people in this community anymore. The gogogo crowd is horrible. I am done with retail and not buying dragonland expac so I will watch in the background if some features change.

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Yeah, sure.

But make them insanely hard and only give cosmetics.

Like the mage tower or something.

WoW is classified as an MMORPG, where the MMO part stands for “Massively Multiplayer Online.” Making dungeons soloable is probably the worst idea ever for an MMO

Well sure, we’re talking about what they should do, now what they actually do. This response would be the same as if I said “well blizz doesn’t really make solo instanced content, in fact it’s the content with the least attention from them entirely” which doesn’t add any value to discussion.

Can you provide some examples as to why you think that? I think this is largely a matter of perception on not reflective of actual behavior.

Well, there is solo progression, just the reward structure and difficulty isn’t where anti-mmo players want it. Character leveling, questing, open world stuff is largely solo player content if chosen. It’s not really difficult at all, and if anything I would suggest they could use more open world content that requires grouping.

With the crafting changes in DF I think solo players are getting exactly what they want anyway, just not in the form you wanted it.

It would be a tuning nightmare if they had to re-invent dungeon content for one player every season. They can barely do it for 5 as it stands, let alone saying “okay how do we tune this for mage?”

That simply means there are multiple players online simultaneously.

Nowhere in the definition of MMO does it suggest that grouping is required.


The people who want solo content generally don’t want it to be difficult.

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WoW has always had group required parts to it. And yes, for the best gear it’s always been from group content. I do not believe that solo content should reward full sets of the best gear in the game. It defeats the purpose of having group content.

People need to stop playing WoW as a Solo RPG game, and realize it is and has been always a group MMO-RPG game leaning more on the MMO side of things.

Yup. See Mage Tower. “Solo Andy’s” revealed their true colors with that feature. I will never believe them again when they say they want hard content / they just want free gear / free stuff.

I’ve considered the same before, but honestly, now that I’ve had time to mull it over, the only way this would work is if the whole thing is offered in a “trial” basis. A dungeon where a soloist can go in with a fleshed out team of bots to learn the mechanics, and that’s it. Still, there are some mechanics that control a player. If that happens, things will reset, so I’m not even sure that’d work.

A better way for soloists to gear is what DF is going to do. Targeted gear, purchasable with token one can farm. What I hope happens is that as things move from season to season, and the end-game people move on to better tiers, we also get “our” next bump too. Not that we really need it, but at that point, the end-game people have out-grown it and shouldn’t care if we get their hand-me-downs.