It be an improvement for some like necrotic. Messed up hooks you could go well the AI messed up. Fake surprise when it happens.
It be better than now. 3 messed up hooks and you are going please hook me…please…I need this to end.
Then several other people burned their CD’s on the hooking NPC so when you hook down Stitchfinger…you don’t nuke em. And thus begins more missed hook fun.
Then there is the next boss…On some nights I like to get exiled. Its a break from that circus that it can be on a rough night.
Why I’d take this setup in some way. I jsut do these for quest/calling completes. I am not here to get sweet loots in heroic. I want to make a broker happy for anima and rep. The dungeons aren’t hard at heroic. Some people in LFD…find a way to make them hard however.
Honestly, there wouldn’t be any harm in allowing this for non-current content. It would let players do their favorite dungeons without having to wait 20+ mins in a queue; it would be a godsend for Legion players since the zone capstone’s are it’s dungeons; and the only ‘negative’ is players not getting experience with their class in group content.
But let’s be real, you don’t get very good experience anyway in non-current content because it’s outdated mechanically for the most part and especially not with WoW’s toxic ‘go go go’ mentality, and that’s only used by elitists to try to keep dungeon finder and ‘carries’ relevant and necessary for non-current content.
The game just doesn’t have the active players across all expac phasing to warrant requiring groups for dungeons.
This would basically kill Mythic+ ( especially pugging ) for anything but the highest level keys where rewards would be of a higher ilvl than solo play would provide. If the difficulty in both versions is scaled to be similar, the group version will always be more risky as you need to rely on other players.
The only way this works is if the ilvl gulf is significantly larger, solo dungeons are significantly more difficult, or you cap the highest level of the solo dungeon at a much lower level; thus creating a progression path of solo play → group play.
I think its a great idea. If solo content hurts group content its only because people have taken every opportunity to treat people they dont know like garbage to the point the average players cant stand dealing with other people and only run group content because they have to.
No I mean average or casual, the people who are constantly being told they suck or they arent good enough and have gotten to the point they just want to play by themselves so they dont have to listen to it anymore
In the true spirit of a Training Grounds style of play, this type of content should not reward loot. If it did, at best it should be currency earned per successful Mythic training run usable towards a piece of Heroic Dungeon quality gear. That way you are training and gearing yourself for Mythic dungeons through a single system.
I like this, but I think it shouldn’t be tagged to gear because once you get gear involved, you get a whole bunch of people crying. Make it more of a optional mode for people to learn mechanics, maybe unlock some cosmetics and that’s it.