Blizzard Please give us Solo Dungeons

This post violates the known laws of physics and morality.

Why would anyone like the bloodied hands of a shill?


no it’ll be fine. you see, Blizzard can just make it so everyone can do the content. then we can complain about how homogenized classes are!

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They have solo dungeons in Final Fantasy 14. You run with a group of 3 ai bots who are actually quite good at what they do. If I could run mythic+15 with bots hell I would do that any day versus lfg.


I think you don’t understand the history of World of Warcraft. On the very back of the Classic Box - Playing Solo was an advertised feature.

That feature alone is what fueled World of Warcrafts growth.

No sir I think it’s you in the wrong game, Everquest 1 & 2 is that way --------------->

/#Stay Safe, Stay Healthy


No, want to do something like that, go find a solo game

balance wouldn’t even be an issue if we never had to play with other people.

  • signed, mmo understander
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I would love solo dungeons. Due to my work schedule it’s hard to coordinate anything I do with a group.


swtor does solo story dungeons for dungeons that are core to the story of swtor

For the life of me I’ll never understand why they don’t add this to torghast. If there were more cool rewards like transmogs and mounts, we’d probably get far less complaints about that place around here.

But mythic plus gear for solo content is a hard no.


Not writing it off though. /shrug

Playing solo I don’t really care about the gear but I wish there was an observation mode so I could see the end of the storylines. I try to watch the dungeons on youtube but the people usually won’t shut up so you can hear what’s happening. When I start a video and hear “It’s ya boi
” I just close it.


Just saying it wouldn’t work in WoW’s game engine, that’s all.

Probably not but still a possibility to iterate on.

once again most of you people have the delusion that mmo means group content. how wrong you are, its multiple people on line at the same time.

anyway, how would it bother you in your game play? so far no one has given an answer on how it would effect you and your gameplay. come on people give a valid response.


So the mage tower?

They had those and they were called “Visions”. People didn’t like them.

Yeah but the catch is swtor isn’t running on a 2004 game engine thats heavly outdated.

you’re right its built upon a beta engine , and now is utilizing a heavily frankensteined modified version of it

wows engine is way better

 games like Fortnite are MMO’s. What does this have to do with a MMORPG?

Taking away resources that can better directed at content that people seem to enjoy more
 as a group (5 man dungeons, raid content, and PvP battleground content) to specifically focus resources on content that people don’t seem to be enjoying too much (ie: single player end game content Torghast, Visions, etc) seems detrimental to the long term health of the game
 at the end of the day
 you focus resources on what a majority of people want to see and deprioritize content that that is only desired by a small group of people.

People have given responses to this before
 maybe you haven’t been reading the forum posts on these issues that you are speaking about
 there are months worth of content there to read up on.

At this point
 I’m wonder if you are going to view any responses as possibly valid or are you just going to discount them and say “I’m right and you are wrong”.

I feel this way especially after you decided to use the word “delusion”
 that is kind of inflammatory and just smells of bait.