Blizzard Please give us Solo Dungeons

so you want torghast to give loot. got it.

Yeah, me too. There’s so much more to dungeons than stronger gear, you can run them for transmogs, for story reasons, for quest reasons… I don’t care if the gear is terrible, or if there is no loot at all, I just want to learn the mechanics somewhere with no pressure.

Especially with the scaling on older dungeons being borked, this would be a good fix.


solo dungeons? like zelda? :smiley: tell me more!

Exactly, this crowd in wow isn’t very welcoming to someone who isn’t at their level lol. And mmos are or is doing this, also wouldn’t be surprised if more aren’t considering it.

It would be a great way also to teach or guide players. Or I think at least.


Kind of, but without the bonus powers stuff and the ability to leave and come back, etc.

Soloing Mythic Dungeons in Legion while they were current was the most fun I’ve had in a long time and is also the reason I switched to maining a Pally from a Priest.

It was challenging and SO MUCH FUN!

I didn’t care about the loot, a solo achievement would have been cool but whatevers, was still a ton of fun!


It can very well be a solo content w/ a dungeon. If they create AI’s then you can recreate it even better. It’s done by another MMO so don’t see the issue. You’d have group dungeons as per usual if you want a group experience.

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How about you go make some friends to play with?
This is not a single player game.

I mean the obvious argument here is that it’s an MMO, a dungeon requires teamwork to complete and should remain that way - if you want a single player dungeon experience just play Skyrim, diablo, etc

I don’t understand this mindset. Why are you playing a multiplayer game if you don’t want to play with people?

Game already has options for solo players to a ridiculous amount, you can gear up to an equivalent of the normal mode raid without touching a single queue right now. Don’t need more imo.

Multiplayer doesn’t mean grouping. If I’m running around in Ardenweald not in a group and there’s 20 other players running around also not in groups it’s still multiplayer.


I’m all for implementing a solo dungeon! They only need to introduce a single dungeon with maybe 1-2 bosses and 4-5 trash packs.

Your DPS will come flooding to the forums because they can’t tank the boss nor heal themselves.

Your tanks will come running because they don’t have the DPS checks to push through

And your healers will come running to the forums because they don’t have the time to DPS because they’re too busy going oom healing themselves from getting beat on

Let’s give them what they want. Then they can see why dungeons require multiple people of multiple roles


When I heard about islands, thought 3man gearing. When I heard about Torghast, I pictured solo gearing.

Reality is often disappointing.

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Islands gave you xps as an alternate to level up with (and gear with) plus lots of other weird rewards. I thought they were really brilliantly done, and it was small-group content which they bailed on after Pandaria.

Your talking about a game with 2004 AIs who run to aggro mobs in the distance then run WAY back behind the path and walk at 1 step per second. FFXIV made it successful but they created the smart AIs from scratch…WoW devs wouldn’t bother upgrading ais intelligence.

Torghast should have been a solo content with proper loots and rewards. But Blizzard failed so hard. I don’t think anyone is doing Torghast these days especially after they finished upgrading their BIS legendary. They want you to spend hours in Torghast and Twisting corridors? I would rather volunteer at a local animal shelter and help the society.


Mists of Pandaria had the scenarios that three people could do. You didn’t have to worry much about having a healer and a tank, you could mostly just do your own thing. Not sure why that never got expanded on and carried forward.


I’d definitely support it. More options are always great and I prefer solo content, honestly. There would probably be an issue with mechanics, though, some bosses requiring people do different things and what not.

I’m in favour of more progression options and more things to do between organized group events.

Would be nice. Then everyone can play in peace.

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