Blizzard Please give us Solo Dungeons

And that awkward moment I get mistaken for AI.

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FFXIV did this in Shadowlands, you could run dungeons with your NPC allies. They followed mechanics properly so you could sit back and figure out what you need to do to succeed in the dungeon.

The big drawback to running dungeons with them was their DPS was a lot lower than actual players so it would take much longer to actually clear.


Omg oh no :joy::sob:

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So what??? Most the people that would use this feature are people who aren’t gonna group with people anyways so it wouldn’t effect anyone running content in groups.


ESO does it, and does it very well. They are called Delves. They aren’t instanced; you just go in, work through them killing mobs and the occasional miniboss for goodies and experience, etc. You can do them alone, you can do them in parties, it’s up to you. You can even just fight alongside anyone else who is in there, as all mobs are open tag.

They are a great addition to the game and i love the idea, and why Blizzard hasn’t done a similar thing I have no idea. It needs to be done, and they could be placed across the entirety of the game in every zone. The amount of extra content to do would be enormous and add a huge amount of fun to the game.


They just gotta keep working on it. It’s a solid feature that needs expanding.


its would be a very hard sell for blizzard at first.
I’m convinced it would be a success just like M+ was, but just like raiders hate on M+ for giving similar gear in a 5man instance both would hate on solo instance that give similar gear

I completely agree with this, always have.


I’d support it, +1

Hopefully you’d let us do raids and dungeons with 2 and 3 players as well, because a lot of times it’s super easy to find DPS friends but nobody wants to tank or heal (because they know how bad I am :laughing:)

I love this game but I feel like the strict comps and having to play with strangers sometimes is making it a lot less fun.


Massively Multi-player On-line Role-Playing Game


At most, make dungeons available in a solo mode for story and/or practise purposes but no gear, no currency, no items of any kind, making the ability to experience the story and/or practise the mechanics be the reward.

And then it will be seen if folks are actually looking for a story or practise mode or if they are just looking to circumvent the system.

I hate people: This would be a dream come true for me.



I would LOVE to solo all the old dungeons and have them be ‘challenging’ thru a queue system…not have to run to the door.


I really don’t understand why the wow community has this huge obsession with hating solo content and progression. Some weird obsession about no solo player can have a high ilvl cause somehow ruins the quality of their group play even tho that player is SOLO and focusing on SOLO content. Not like we have some sort of 3rd party stat tracker that can reflect your group content experience, maybe we could come up with something with a silly name like “raider” and then lean on the “.io” postfix.

Kinda hate the whole ilvl mechanic. seems to promote heavy gatekeeping mentality


I guess you don’t know what a dungeon is OP? Its a challenging area that a GROUP of players clear out with teamwork. There’s no challenge in soloing current dungeons, it’d be too easy with some classes and other classes would be too weak.

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Torghast is a soloable instanced dungeon. Before MMOs had instanced dungeons players were soloing static dungeons.

Class balance is and will forever be a pillar of MMOs so that’s not a viable excuse to not do something.

Or even two player dungeons.

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Last I checked WoW is a MMO and is designed to be a social experience. I think you are looking for a single player rpg, maybe check out Final Fantasy. You can opt to run Torghast or Twisting Corridors for your solo play.

I don’t want solo dungeons (for a lot of the reasons mentioned above) but I really would like dungeons to adapt and be playable with fewer than 5 people. Only got 3 folks on? The instance is not quite as tough and the mechanics change slightly so you can pull them off without as many.


If rewards are scaled appropriately, I don’t mind it, don’t see why so many people get defensive about it.


Torghast is also designed to be done solo, in terms of material farming for legendary. Not loot. If you want that fancy 5 man loot, you best group up or don’t bother. Your not getting easy loot from solo dungeons for overpowering it on a OP/cheesy class.