Blizzard, please fix instance farming tactics that screw the economy

Not that gold can’t be farmed but not as easily as say hunters soloing DMT.

I’ve given up on this and the exploit fixes.
Whatever they leave I’m utilizing to the fullest. /shrug

Classic will have an expiration date for most.
Get it while the getting is good.

Me too. About 10x harder than most people posting on this forum will considering the amount of play time I have available.

Ignoring everything else on my list, I will be immensely surprised if they keep DMT farming in Classic. To the point where I’m not really even worried about that item.

I’d really like DME lasher and 2 manning to be nerfed though.

Sounds more like efficiency to me.
Solo an instance of DMT runs for almost 150 gph. As opposed to way less with more risk and more time commitment?
Pretty simple choice.

I said, earlier in the thread, that I am positive that Ion and the team know about this stuff.

I expect DM soloing/duoing to be nerfed, period.

Yea that one is definitely a pathing exploit. Most could not solo that boss without it.

It is efficient. No one can argue against that.

But I think the reason I’m getting so much push back is because people are afraid of the PVP interrupting their farming.

I figure they should just roll a PVE server if they want a personal safety bubble.

Lol. Nah. You’re getting pushback because these are people’s go to effcient farming methods.
They dont care that real money traders are going to flood the economy with gold.
They only care that you are trying to stop them from doing it.

When pservers did this all it did was inflate the demand for gold. Because they were the ones selling it. LOL

Even Nost was accused of this because they nerfed a lot of these spots as well.
All the servers since Nost do the same thing and we know they are shady. LOL

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Yeah. They made it about as obvious as possible, but Blizzard is a different admin.

My end game is to push gold farmers out into the open so we can go murder them tbh.

Haha. I like the way you think.
Unfortunately they have evolved past just farming gold.
Now they control economies with teams.
Prices are set and they pool their resources to control whatever market they choose.

Black lotus and devilsaur being two big ones on pservers
BL 50g a pop
Devilsaur set 300g a pop.

Selling carries for gold even.

Farming gold is not the only way to produce gold.
They have evolved their methods.

I’m aware of all these. But these methods aren’t necessarily against the spirit of the game. On private servers, we’re all aware of the recent PVP guild that controlled the devilsaur mafia for quite a long time. People accused them of selling gold on the side, but to be honest they were also massively funding their guild operations with it.

Brack Rotus is also an open world resource and they’re available for PVP in that scenario, except for the first BL in a fresh AV, that’s just a foot race.

Selling carries for gold is a perfectly fine market as well.

DM tribute farm is around 50g/hour. most classes are capable of scrapping 30g/hour in deadwind pass/ungoro/winterspring.
it isn’t that big of a deal, but I’ll probably be doing it after I instance tag my hunter alt to 60.
realistically, warriors can make more by tanking SM strat and reserving 2 orbs or putting together a scholomance flask farm group together

I remember black lotus was that price during OG vanilla, so it’s nothing new.

I guess I’ve just had such great luck with BoE drops from gorillas i wasn’t paying attention to the great grey drops either. Will definitely be checking this one out in classic.


Yeah, IIRC the grey drops and the tufts of hair (used for LWing?) bring a nice coin.

How bout no?
Do like I’m going to do and level a mage or hunter alt so you can do it also.

I’m already doing that son.

Ion and the team hold the 1.12 state of the game as sacrosanct. There’s no way they’re going to nerf things like this.

Remember when we had sharding and loot trading in 1.12? Fun times


I dunno; I think that on the hunter DMT run it could go either way since it’s arguably an exploit and Ion notoriously dislikes exploits.

Using class mechanics is an exploit?

See, this is the difference in how people view the game. Vanilla was a GAME. Players had the freedom to use clever game mechanics. The devs didn’t control every little thing you could do. Chill out and just have fun. Isn’t that why you play a game? You’re applying a BfA mindset to Classic.