Dude, I’m happy if the DMT runs are left in. My one and only alt is likely to be a hunter.
I’m simply thinking what Ion might do.
Fair enough. I was using a general ‘you’ to the people asking for changes like this. Those people fail to realize that these types of things that they ask for ultimately lead to the experience you have now: a boring, bland one where everyone is equal, everyone can accomplish the same things. Classes aren’t allowed to excel or standout. Players can’t color outside the lines.
They need to just accept that WoW is a game, deal with a little ‘unfairness’ and concentrate on FUN. Deviating from that is where both the playerbase and the devs went wrong.
Exploiting is exploiting. I find it astounding that you would go out of your way to defend something that is such an obvious and unintended outlier…
Did you defend reckoning Kazzak solos as well?
Someone killed a boss in a video game. How will the world go on?
Relax and get some perspective.
Thank God you are not in charge of game design. This is exactly the same issue that was present with the reckoning Kazzak solo, something you rather pathetically seem to be defending here. As if I didn’t already have enough reason to disregard the entirety of your frequently terrible opinions.
I’m purposefully flippant towards your posts, Apocalypse. You take the game SOOOOO seriously. Your attitude is a representation of exactly how and why the game went so wrong. Instead of concentrating on fun, you worry about all the wrong things. And devs that follow that same pattern is why the game has no heart or soul anymore. Do you think the majority of players care about the things you obsess over? Of course not. That’s why the game was so popular when it was still a game, and why it’s been declining when it became super cereal business.
My hope is that Classic hearkens back to a time when players don’t take the game so seriously, and just want to have fun, socialize, get immersed in the world, and enjoy themselves. That’s is how the game is going to excel.
Contrary to Mogar, you seem like the kind of person I typically play with.
What’s your server plans for Classic? PVP or PVE? Avoiding streamers or following? Got a guild? What is your main/alt going to be?
Horde PvP server. I’d prefer to avoid streamers, just because their fans are obnoxious tools, but they aren’t important enough for me to care significantly. Main/alt is still undecided between Undead Rogue/Lock…Leaning towards Lock, but I did lock main/rogue alt in vanilla… so I’m kinda tempted to reverse that this go around since I never got to see what my rogue could do with better gear. There’s a small insane portion of me that wants to try raiding on both on separate schedules, but that’s probably not very realistic or sustainable time wise… Maybe a guild that does alt runs semi-frequently would be ideal.
No guild going into it, as my guild disbanded after Cata, and mostly all quit by mid MoP… Haven’t needed a guild since that time, but figured I’d just power level quickly post release and end up with similarly dedicated players on whatever server.
This could very well be the major disconnect between us, Mogar… The competitive aspects of raiding, leveling quickly, getting geared, and pvp ARE the fun for myself, and numerous other players. People took the game seriously even back in vanilla, it’s not something that has changed over time… It’s been an omnipresent state of affairs.
As far as :
I’d argue that the game has gone to hell because of LAZINESS, not because of a more hardcore mindset…
Blizzard is too lazy to fix balance issues without resorting to homogenization because it’s easier to be unimaginative…
They removed SotA Battleground because they where too lazy for the what ¿8? years it was in the game, to fix Southern Graveyard (capping it on offense directly HURT your chances of winning). Easier to just remove rather than think up a way to fix.
They’re too lazy to engage in smaller but frequent class balance changes, like they did for much of vanilla’s timeline…
They’re too lazy to actually moderate their own game manually, and instead resort to the disgusting auto flag system where people can be silenced in game for durations longer than the actual penalty would be before it even gets “reviewed”, and “review” in this case is just a rubber stamp by a minimum wage cubicle farm slave who likely doesn’t even have time to read the complaints because they have to hit a quota.
They’re too lazy to actually design content anymore either… and now you see “island expeditions” in BfA which are completely generic random generated garbage devoid of the “heart and soul” you referenced earlier.
They’re consistently too lazy to actually playtest for PvP, or address PvP concerns during the beta phase… WoD beta had a known issue where human racial was over 3x stronger than every other racial in the game because of how trinkets ended up after the stat squish, being significantly more of a player’s total power when represented as a % than they where at the end of MoP… As a result, humans ended up being so disgustingly overpowered that over 66% of the Ladder was JUST HUMAN for over a year in game.
They’re too lazy to actually provide any accountability for egregious things like the above, too… Holinka was not only NOT fired after the WoD debacle, but he was also the one who oversaw the start of Legion’s PvP, which was a similar trainwreck initially… After that failure, he again wasn’t fired, but promoted… twice
I’ll be fair to Blizzard here, it’s not just them, that are lazy… Players are lazy too…
Players are too lazy to put in the effort for gear, when they can vomit ineptitude all over the place and still down bosses in LFR or do World Quests and get a titanforge.
Players are so lazy that Waterstrider mounts are now a permanent fixture in the game, rather than a temporary one.
Players are so lazy that flying is now the normal, despite it having been proven to more or less trivialize the world. I’ll give blizz some credit here on the pathfinder meta achievement part, as a form of compromise… but even so every expansion there’s dozens of threads about people threatening to quit over no flying to start the expansion again.
Epic gear, used to be something rare and well… epic… Now because lazy players are overflowing with entitlement, you can get full epics within an hour or two of hitting level cap just from world quests and a few dungeons.
Leveling has become a joke because anytime it’s actually adjusted to take more effort, players lose their minds about it.
There’s way more examples I could throw out there, but you get the point by now hopefully… IMO pure laziness is the result of blizzard’s downfall here. Much of it seems to be Activision related, and because accountants are making design decisions rather than game designers… The company as a whole is growing too lazy to actually make good games anymore, as much as they desperately try and make profitable ones. Ironically, this attitude has eviscerated their stock price by more money than they could have possibly earned by going with the cheap/lazy route.
Sadly/frighteningly, I do see some of that already seeping it’s way into classic.
Sharding is a prime example of this. Loot sharing is another example, as is the auto silence “feature” from live. The largest one, however, is the complete apparent complete inability to do anything outside of 1.12, as per the dev interviews that seem to make that point. 1.12 was hardly a perfect game… Shamans where just waiting to busshock their CM, warriors where walking demi gods, threat barely mattered, Curse of Elements not working for Nature damage, Paladins having tanking talents that want them to be critical struck, MC/Ony/BWL where all LFR level speed clears rather than real raids to challenge you, etc…
Beyond that, and getting back to the thread at hand, there where still numerous exploits that needed to get addressed… Hunters tribute farming, warlocks Naxx-Trash farming, Mages ZG AoEing, and Wolf’shead Helm + Manual Crowd Pummeler item exploits for feral to name a few.
“Warts and all” isn’t an endearing term of nostalgia, it’s a blatant attempt at outright laziness and apathy from the company that only didn’t fix these things at the time because they where too lazy and apathetic to do so with a forthcoming TBC release. Laziness killed way more of this game than a competitive mindset ever thought of.
Ah. I’ll be going Alliance PVP. Avoiding streamers if I can. Recreating the character I’m posting from now.
Primary gold making alt will be a mage. Second “main” will be a warlock if I can level it quick enough.
I intend to raid on two characters as well if there are two separate guilds who don’t conflict with their scheduling.
Otherwise I’ll join a not-so-great guild on my warlock and gear up there a little bit. I won’t be telling people who my alt is either. I don’t want the warlock’s guild getting mad that I’m an alt and taking their gear, especially if they don’t like my main’s guild.
I’m drawing inspiration from a friend of mine on a popular dead private server. He mained a mage and alt’d a warrior. People didn’t know they were the same person. His warrior had Thunderfury and his mage had the Scarab Lord mount. He was the definition of no-life. Which is what I aspire to be!
I look forward to turning you into a soul shard =)
This might be harder with using a modern Bnet system… You have to avoid ever giving either guild a battletag. Tfury isn’t that crazy for an alt if it’s the guild’s tank, but good lord on also having a scarab lord… That quest chain alone is nuts. I spend too much in game time pvping for all that silithus farming to ever be a possibility for me.
The hardest part will be avoiding burnout, particularly once AQ40 comes out and the guild is still doing MC/BWL speed runs on top of AQ40 progression.
Best of luck trying to balance both characters… As I said, I’m hoping to do it, but damn if it isn’t a daunting amount of additional effort, that in my case would take up much of my potential PvP time as well.
I can’t lie, my abilities in PVP have all but died in WoW. I haven’t PVP’d for over 10 years.
That’s my biggest concern. I will probably try to go with the “battle tags aren’t vanilla” or “I prefer my privacy” approach for as long as I can.
He paid 3 mages 1000g each to help him farm the initial reputation (usually the deciding factor on who gets the mount is who can farm the rep the fastest)
They farmed it in under a week.
Absolutely. I’m very susceptible to burn out if I don’t like my guild mates. In Wrath I loved my Ulduar guild mates, but we weren’t progressing as much as I wanted so I joined a better guild and hated those guildmates lol. They gave me Shadowmourne though so I felt like I was bound to them for good.
I think the thing that will help me the most is that the two characters play differently from each other, so I can feel like I’m “mixing it up” a little.
What would be really funny though is if my alt ends up in a better guild than my warrior, and suddenly I want my warrior in that guild instead, but how do I go about quitting on my warlock and joining on my warrior? That would be a comical situation.
I mean, as everyone has mentioned, Private servers have gold sellers and even the servers that dont nerf gold farming still have healthy functioning economies as long as the server is populated.
I know of no servers with really broken economies unless they screw with the games core… like x7 level speed servers and the like. THOSE private server end up with bungled economies, but the x1 vanilla ones seem to be alright. I think it comes down to the fact that only so many people are willing to buy gold. I expect even less will be willing when an account ban lingers. Although I do remember gold sellers in vanilla wow too.
Change the “easy of life” bugs leave the rest. Determining those vs. actual changes is where it gets hairy, who does it?
Now, I appreciate that different classes work, you know, differently.
But I also know what difficulty my Warrior had farming SM and RFD. He got better over time as he got better gear over time.
I’m trying to imagine how a 60 Hunter in Greens, class mechanics or no, isn’t getting clobbered doing DM Tribute runs. Maybe they can game the end boss, but the trash is no cakewalk either. In RFD there’s a 5 mob pull that was challenging for quite some time on my Warrior. And these were < L40 mobs, not L60 ones.
Even if the hunter could do it, it would have to take forever to be done. But I never played a Hunter in Vanilla.
Two words: feign death.
DM lasher farming will need to be nerfed the same as Nost and other servers have done . If this is not the case watch mages level from 54 -> 60 lasher farming and have 6-7k gold by the time they hit level 60.
Early lost before it was nerfed i made 50k gold from 4 days /played farming. It NEEDS to be nerfed. It requires no skill, no gear and most of the gold is made from litterally just selling greys, whites and greens to the vendor and selling all the herbs on the ah.
Nah, it’s fine. It was fine in Vanilla. It’ll be fine in Classic. Stop trying to micro-analyze every little thing. Very quickly this won’t be authentic Vanilla anymore.
Holy crap someone who gets why modern wow is garbage versus the typical dribble posted here… I very much enjoyed reading your post and agree.
Barely anybody knew about this stuff in vanilla. Now it’s common knowledge.
It was fine in vanilla because it wasn’t being abused.
What does it being abused affect in your mind that warrants it’s removal?