Blizzard, please fix instance farming tactics that screw the economy

I am prepared to receive the most hate replies possible.

All of the following methods of farming gold need to be fixed or nerfed in Classic, because they highly favor a small pocket of classes, and it’s why everyone is rolling a hunter or mage alt.

Some of these are nearly impossible but I’m including them anyway.

DM Tribute solo runs
Maraudon boss runs (Goblin, Princess, Croc)
DM: N hyena farming/skinning
DM: N first boss solo farming
DM: E “jump” runs where most of the instance is skipped and you two man three of the bosses
DM: E “lasher” runs where you AOE farm lashers in the garden area
BRD Lord Incendius solo runs where you kite Incendius around the outer ring of his area
BRD arena AOE farming
ZG crocodile AOE farming
ZG bloodvine herbing without combat, which I believe is also possible as a hunter by sacrificing pets.
Naxx trash kiting where you kite Plague Slimes and Infectious Ghouls around the starting area - From what I can tell, this was fixed in 1.12.

I can’t think of any others.

They offer shelter from wPVP that is a huge feature of surviving in the open world, and it allows a certain group of people who profit from the gold trade to conduct their shady business in near complete secrecy. Shutting individuals in to instances by themselves is almost the same as allowing them to farm gold on an empty server, free of competition.

No one class should be powerful enough to take on a 5 man dungeon alone. Force them out into the open world so we can compete for resources by way of PVP.

Fix them all please. Thanks bro.


You’ve been around long enough to know better than this. C’mon now.


I look forward to grinding these spots for the first time on my mage alt. xD


meh i dont see a big issue with this. if people want to farm, and need alot of skill to accomplish it , whats the big deal? not everyone is going to be nearly skilled enough to pull off most of these farms and the items that they dont vendor will go down low in price so we win anyways.


come on blizzard change the entire game!


They are fixing the things that screwed the economy. It’s called releasing classic.

No tokens, no dailies, and mounts/training/respecs as a gold sink.


Who’s in charge of this game? Ion Hazzikostas is.

If something gets under his skin, he’ll eventually nerf it. No need to draw his attention to it in advance. Actually, I’m sure he’s already well aware of all this stuff.

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Nah I’m good, I’ll go ahead and draw attention to it in advance.


Well, obviously you already did.

Yea lets nerf gold making ways the same way private servers do to promote gold sellers… this is a terrible idea.

Okay, but to be “fair” to the Hunters that can pull DMT runs off, nerf Warrior and Rogue DPS because they’re so far ahead of them that they get stacked and Hunters get benched after BWL.


Ion also was an avid player of Vanilla and even obtained the scarab lord title. He is also an avid no changer. Farming instances is fine, another reason why removing gold sinks such as respec fees is a dumb argument. Making gold in vanilla is easy, investing it can be hard.

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I’m curious - how is that screwing the economy?

If “everyone is rolling a hunter or mage alt”, then no one is really favored when it comes to gold-farming. Something in that doesn’t make sense, so …

Is the real concern that someone with more time to play can earn more gold?

Is the real concern that some people don’t want to roll a hunter or mage alt, or are jealous of the people who have a hunter or mage main?

What really is the concern? The ability to do runs actually delivers more goods into the economy. (Much of the gold-making is actually in the selling of what was looted, some to vendors and some via the AH to other people who had to earn gold as well.)

Also, removing all of the instance farming methods does nothing more than send people looking for the next best method - whatever the tightest mob densities are with good drops, particular gathering professions and people camping nodes like Black Lotus, or something else. It’s not going to prevent people from looking for the easiest or fastest way to make gold in any appreciable way, and will make some players more frustrated with trying to cover things like their warrior’s repair bill.


inflation screws the economy, especially for people who joined the server later
more money goes into it than what comes out of it, causing 1 gold to be less valuable after the third month than it is after the 12th month, for example
theres not much to it

over 95% of inflation that is not caused by gold farmers is caused by level 60 characters that already have their epic mount and training
the rest is caused by people giving away all of their stuff before quitting WoW

the ideal situation is to have even the most hardcore farmers always have something that is not cosmetic to spend gold on in such a manner that most of the spent gold exits the economy… which is not the situation in vanilla WoW after people buy their epic mounts; not everyone makes alts that aren’t twinks, profession alts, or bank alts

having unusually lucrative sources of gold that come from NPCs and are free of competition causes inflation, and if your server is low-pop, then you have bigger problems to worry about

exiting the economy is defined as gold either being deleted or landing in the hands of an NPC, and entering the economy is defined as landing in the hands of a player character when it was not in the hands of a player character before that

also, thanks for pointing that stuff out, OP; I didn’t know about the naxx part… though I doubt that its particularly profitable to farm those hyenas unless you can get more than 5 in 1 pull; I don’t quite remember if you can or not
please do prove me wrong about that if you can

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PS don’t do it to promote gold sellers, they do it to put money in thier own pockets.

Let’s not change it and say we did.

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Some classes excel at one aspect of the game. Others excel at a different aspect. Welcome to a real rpg.




So now not only are they the slowest leveling classes in the game but rogues don’t even do the one thing they do, well.

You’re reading too much into it.

For a crowd that wants #nochanges this seems like a pretty big one to me.