Keyloggers on their sites, and a lot of malicious websites allowed them to hack into your account. This was a time before authenticators, and hacked accounts accounted for most of the gold stealing and certainly gold advertising. That won’t exist in Classic.
I heard someone say that the physical ones are no longer for sale, but then I found some for sale on, but then I was like “AM I BE KEYLOG?A?Z” because the site looked weird
I wasn’t sure. I still have my physical auth from their release many years ago.
My wife and I bought physical authenticators as soon as the announcement of Classic was made. So you can still get the physical ones…or could as of a few months ago, anyway.
We had them when we played years ago, but given that we haven’t played since Cataclysm and never expected to again, they got thrown out when we were moving, so we had to get new ones.
and if you have an easier time selling low level greens for high prices, then mounts are easier to get and you’d more easily be able to afford all of your skills
which would not necessarily be a good thing
It would indeed be a good thing. If you ever feel like gold is to easy to get just mail me the gold you think you shouldnt have and then you can have all the gold problems you wish for.
tuft of gorilla fur and hair, fangs etc. most of all when stacked, sell for a pretty high price. pretty common too. and good leather at the same time, if you are a skinner. killing two birds with one stone, if you will.
They’d simply meet you and trade in game, or mail it to you.
Some basic common sense needs to be applied to this guys… The idea that the majority of gold came from keylogged accounts fails horribly for a few reasons:
It’s a hilariously stupid business model to rob every single customer that comes through your doors… Word would spread quickly and your business would collapse… Scams by their nature, can’t last long. The majority of the gold sellers where “legitimate” businesses.
Particularly when Gold Farmer businesses where nearly entirely located in countries with extremely cheap labor and the capability to then sell their wares to dumb Americans who where relatively wealthy. The business model of actually paying people to farm gold in game made the labor costs negligible in such countries, as the business itself was still profitable. This was especially true once the farming hacks/bots came into play and the company overhead was simply computers and the box cost.
People who are buying gold… wait for it… tend not to have any gold to steal/rob. Go figure… Vendoring everything on an account was a couple hundred gold tops… The real money from hacking an account came from using it to bot-farm, and then not giving a single care about the account getting banned for it.
In a hypothetical universe, the majority of the people I knew in Vanilla ended up buying gold at one point or another, a few of them did it numerous times… Exactly -=ZERO=- of them ever ended up getting “hacked” as a result. Every single instance of someone getting hacked I’ve ever seen or encountered was as a result of simple account sharing with other people you knew (or at least thought you knew). Shockingly, entrusting random people you’ve never met over the internet wasn’t always a smart idea.
That said, most of the people I knew back then where at least computer savvy enough to have a firewall and virus scan their systems often, which alone will prevent 99.99999999% of any such issues.
EDIT: To be clear, I’m not saying I support gold buying for Classic, or even WoW Tokens for Classic… just acknowledging the realities around it and trying to clear up some of the myths. The propaganda about it being this weird thing where crazy foreigners where going to hack you is just nonsensical. They could literally earn more in 2 days of farming than your account probably had on it regardless… The difference was, they could outsource that time spent farming and profit off good old American laziness.
Anyone who played from vanilla to Wrath and paid even a small amount of attention to the goings-on in the game knew all of this. I was just waiting for him to respond to a question that had no real answer.
But to respond, gold farming was not 100% botting on stolen accounts. The trade started with legit accounts leveled by gold workers. Later on the hacked accounts became a far more common occurrence. As it stands right now, there is a version of the game available that very closely mirrors the landscape of vanilla as it was back then, and the farming is being done manually by gold sellers on their own accounts using the methods described in post 1. The account they decide to use doesn’t matter, because when they get access to the game at level 60, they will use these methods to great affect.
Indeed… Labor costs in different countries are what make it all possible, more than anything.
That said, I’m less worried about the gold market as much as I am the basic server economy with such unequal farming opportunities. It’s not necessarily worth it time wise for an alt (unless you do a pretty absurd amount of farming), but it’s a pretty sizable disparity for choosing wrong on the character select screen, and I do think that many of the outliers should be nerfed, as they are on Pservers.
The thing that really gets me is how people think it should be possible for a hunter to solo the final boss in one of the hardest level 60 5 man dungeons in the game.
I thought Classic was the game where you had to CC in dungeons, and take your time pulling. Because in retail you can just smash through everything without a care in the world. But then at the same time it’s okay if a hunter can solo the final boss AND avoid the mechanic of that boss’ pocket healer?
The thing that really gets you is you can’t accept the fact that some classes in Vanilla excel in some areas, while others excel in other aspects of the game. Just because some class can do something that your preferred class can’t doesn’t mean it needs fixing. It was fine in Vanilla and it’ll be fine in Classic. There’s plenty of ways for any class to make money.
Nope I changed my mind on this. Let the gold flow like a river!
Maybe this time people will farm their own gold and not support real money traders.
Oh wait pservers are already full of gold buyers. Lol
Don’t bother worrying about a long term economy.
Everything will be fine as long as you rush to 60 and get down on the good gold making first or you know buy gold. Lol
What really interests me on this topic is how people seem to think that if the methods in OP are nerfed, then nobody can farm gold.
We’ll get along just fine without the methods in OP.
Sounds to me like people just don’t want to have to PVP to secure their farming spots, so they’d rather farm in the safety of their own personal instance.