Right? I remember when I logged on to the game for the very first time. My friend who got me into the game had a party invite waiting for me the moment I was in the game. I accepted. We quested for a little while and then he had to leave. He left the party. I remember it distinctly… he left the party and suddenly I merged shards with 30 other people in the starting zone. Really threw me for a loop. They appeared out of thin air. That’s the day back in 2004 that I learned about sharding. I’m glad they are keeping it authentic to it’s roots in Classic.
They have not at all made it clear that they are recreating what happened in this sort of area of the game. In fact they have been deliberately vague as to what constitutes “authentic™ Vanilla experience” and what makes the cut of what they’ll (attempt to) recreate and what doesn’t merit this effort.
The suggested nerfs were, as I understand it, likely coming had the practice become an issue. Also, they could easily stealth-nerf this stuff by just tweaking drop rates a tiny bit at a time and only the farmers who pay close attention (and adjust their strategies quietly, because they see it as competitive and like to capitalize on any sort of advantage they gain by such a discovery) will see it.
The general practice of “whack-a-mole” to tweak things on the fly as problems presented themselves could very well have gotten to things like are suggested in the OP, given enough time and no launch of BC after 2 years to make these issues no longer relevant to the gold economy.
One thing that would represent a major change to Classic relative to Vanilla is a game that never progresses to BC, or progresses to BC significantly more than 2 years after launch. This sort of change will disrupt the economy in many unforeseeable ways – from launch day if it is made clear at that point that there never will be an expansion to BC and that Classic will languish in its final pre-BC state for much, much longer than 2 years or even forever.
I’ll be the worst of us all if these methods are allowed. Well, I mean China is going to make me look like a kid selling lemonade, but you get the idea.
I wonder if Blizzard will limit themselves to Vanilla-era anti-gold-selling techniques in Classic or will avail themselves of things they came up with more recently.
Whatever they do, I hope they don’t use tokens. That would be a sledgehammer to kill a fly.
The more successful Classic is, the more of a problem gold sellers will be. I guess we’ll find out.
I’m not personally smart enough to figure out how to deal with China, but there are two things I know:
Tokens cannot be in Classic
If these farming methods are allowed, it’s not the average player using them you should worry about. It’s the literal squads of gold sellers who will be farming them.
If you log on to a certain private server right now, the one that is absolutely plagued by gold selling, and you go to the Maraudon scepter portal area, you will see portals every where. When I was farming there, there was no less than 20 portals open at all times. And who could you reliably see running to that cove like clock work? Chinese farmers.
They will always be there. Always. But people seem to think that as long as they’re hidden away in their instances, they’re not harming anyone. No, the problem is just being concealed because people aren’t seeing it. Force the farmers out of their instances to farm in the real world, so we can go kill them in open world PVP. Stop letting them farm millions of gold in their safe havens.
This is a fantastic idea – and almost makes me want to try a PvP server if Blizzard views WPvP as a way to curb that sort of stuff. (I’ve never been into PvP, mostly because I suck at it…)
ETA: It would also make a huge draw from PvE to PvP servers if the gold farmers are more-controlled on the latter compared to the former and that made the gold economy superior on PvP. Although, now that I write this, I wonder if there will be a draw of a certain sort of person who might enjoy the inflated gold economy that poorly-controlled gold sellers bring with them…
Actually what usually happens is they call 3 billion of their friends and they corpse camp the absolute will to live out of you after you gank them. Not joking. It gets pretty bad. But that’s what’s fun. Get some of your friends and have yourselves a fun battle.
The battle is fun for you, and disrupting for them, so even if they camp you into oblivion, you’re still taking time out of their business plans.
Well I guess at least that’s 3 billion times $15/month for Blizzard. Most of those pservers don’t have a subscription, right? As I understand it they (those who run the pservers) sell gold to cover costs and stuff.
Had no idea that gold farming on pservers was a viable business. That’s just crazy.
You can solo the run as a hunter in greens. The hacks and teleporting you’re thinking of probably stems from a very very old video showing how they used to teleport hack the Tribute runs so they could set them up on bots.
im even more confused at the fact that people think gold farmers get their gold by their own hard work and effort lmfao. thats not how that works.
they arent called gold farmers in the same way that we use it. they farm accounts, not the world.
gold sellers do not pay a sub, they do not farm or work for their gold. it is all stolen from suckers who are stupid enough to give out their account information when they buy gold. the account is then farmed for everything it has, all resources that it has access to (during the life of that accounts sub) and they repeat the process with the next account.
gear, anything worth money. it is then recycled through their system and sold.
they lure in with ads, snag the first sucker and then they steal his account. recycle all of his gold so that they can claim they have ‘more gold’ to offer the next sucker.
any actual account that you see out in the world farming, is not a gold seller but a player who is probably doing questionable activity.
Ah, yah i was just trying to remember and I just thought the coin drops were better in Winterspring, there was a guy in out guild who made some decent money on the Ekos(sp?) in WS too.