social generalization has nothing to do with this. the only thing that this is about is contradictions that modern players cant seem to grasp beyond the tip of their own tongue.
you want reduced re-spec cost but also reduced ways in which to earn the gold to do it. if the outcome isnt obvious than irony is lost on the witless.
you are irrelevant.
that includes any points that you do not have and never had.
I’m quite tempted to roll out the Billy Madison speach on you but it’s been overused… Like a schizophrenic word salad you’ve written english down, but failed in any credible way to establish even a semblance of a relevant point.
Protadins could reckoning bomb Kazzak to kill the boss… Mechanically working perfectly as designed, clearly not intended for single players to be soloing raid bosses… Nerfed
Mages aoeing ZG, BRD, Dire Maul… Mechanically working perfectly as designed… Clearly not intended for a single player to be soloing raids or 5mans, let alone en masse… Nerfed on many private servers as it poses an unfair economic advantage.
Hunters soloing DM:Tribute… Mechanically working perfectly as designed… Clearly not intended for a single player to solo one of the hardest 5mans in the game via terrain exploitation… Nerfed on most private servers…
One of us is calling out exploitative game play… the other is you, hilariously defending it as a design feature… Hence the comparison to Reckoning Kazzak solos. For the record those aren’t the only ones available either… My own class can solo Naxxramas Slimes for BoE weapons, and that should undoubtedly be nerfed as well.
oh, i see. so your argument is based on so called ‘exploits’, that have long since been fixed/nerfed and your assumption is that these fixes will NOT be in the vanilla re-release and on that assumption alone, changes to how people make gold- thus ruining many other aspects in the process- should be taken seriously?
I only mildly advocate for reduced respec costs, specifically in the form of faster decay. Such a change might not even affect me, I tended to be a bit of a respec fiend in OG vanilla, having spent over 5300g on it (and that was just from whenever I got the accounting addon that kept track)…
It’s rather weird how you keep trying to claim I’m saying things, I haven’t actually said.
Says the casual player… Go scurry off into obscurity because absolutely none of this matters in any way to you and your insignificant casual brethren. No one cares that it will take you 10 months for your first 60, it doesn’t grant you a seat at the grown ups table.
thats why i love posting on alts. they turn and generalize, just as you complained of other people doing earlier. again- irony.
good for you? not sure why you think i care.
ooohhhh. i see. logical thinking is impossible for you, so let me explain that phrase. it means you are nothing but talk.
I know rejection is hard for you… and I was trying to let you down easy before, but since you’re just being bitter now… It’s not me, it’s you… and specifically me being able to do better than you. I just don’t need some overly emotional casual going into hysterics constantly all up in my life.
I bring actual logic and rational thought with a concern towards actual balance to the debate… You apparently bring just a whole mess of emotional outburts and creepy attempts at flirting. But you are right about one thing, my mouth IS pretty, thank you for noticing!
FYI, unless they turn tokens into a gold source rather than source/sink neutral like the are now, tokens won’t get people gold if there’s nobody with gold on the server who can afford to buy them with gold.
Or is it your impression that Blizzard would introduce tokens as a gold source to Classic servers?
Right. It’s not all or nothing. It could be as simple as monitoring the situation and daily tweaks to drop rates for certain items, especially those items like raw gold and stuff that gets vendored that increases total gold supply in the server economy. The changes could be tiny but add up over time.
They won’t be undetectable, mind you. There will be people watching that stuff like a hawk and adapting their strategies to maximize their farming efficiency gold/hour. It’s almost like designing an endgame raid boss, but for quants…
The big problem with this argument, is it’s the exact same argument that led to WoW being dumbed down to the state it’s in today. “Why should someone who can play 20 hours/week get to see more of the game than someone who can only play 3 hours/week? They should both get to see everything.”
The fact that a small number of hunters will be able to make 100g/hour is not an issue. A resto druid with no job will still farm more gold if they want to. The only way this kind of thing is going to impact the economy is if A> bots are able to do it or B> blizzard takes a “CS is less important than executive bonuses” approach when it comes to dealing with chinese gold farmers/gold buyers.
I suppose it makes sense. There’s precedent: Blizzard significantly nerfed gold farming in Scarlet Monastery during vanilla. The most notable price drop was on High Inquisitor Fairbanks and Arcanist Doan loot, because rogues and druids could reach them quickly.
It would be a change, but it would be in the spirit of vanilla’s design. I suppose it didn’t happen during the vanilla timeline because knowledge of these gold farms weren’t as widespread as Scarlet Monastery gold farming was.
I foresee the rise of Susan Express and level 1 Gnomes and Orcs all self dying in Stormwind / Orgrimmar so the bodies all spell out a gold buying website. Ahh, the good old days.
The argument has already been made that we have more access to information in this era than ever before. It won’t be a small number of hunters or mages using the methods. As soon as content creators start covering gold making methods, every mage and hunter will start using them. They’re just that effective. They’re also not difficult to pull off. I should know since I’ve done most of the things on this list and I’m not that great at WoW.
Ever been outside Mara or DM on a server that is heavily populated by Chinese gold sellers? Take a guess at what you see.
In fact, if this is still allowed, just type /who z-‘Maraudon’ c-‘Hunter’ and tell me what shows up.
This thread sounds somewhat similar to the income inequality arguments going on.
Equality of opportunity is great! (Everyone should have the ability to make gold at the same speed as anyone else, just roll the class that makes gold faster)
Equality of outcome is terrible! (Make sure no one has any advantages due to choices they make, make sure every class/spec can farm gold at the same rate)
You might as well take the ability to farm gold out of the game and just send them an allowance in the mail every day and that’s how much gold you can have that day.
For those saying that this request constitutes a change, consider that Blizzard actively managed the gold economy during Vanilla with general tweaks to things like drop rates when they detected too much gold entering into a server economy too quickly.
The OP’s request can be interpreted, uncharitably, as one to nerf all these things to the ground with dramatic changes, or it can be understood as a request to Blizzard for #nochanges in that they should continue with their tradition of managing the gold economy actively like they did in Vanilla.
In fact, #nochanges to me supports most of what the OP is suggesting, because I think the natural inclination of Blizzard with regards to this project is a more hands-off approach and let the economy do whatever it’s going to do and not worry about it – which in fact would be a change (and not a good one, imo).
I offer a contrary opinion: if people are spending all that time in their instanciated gold farms, that’s gonna be fine by me since without it the world itself will be exceptionally gold starved with everyone trying to farm the same clusters of mobs at once. How many people can farm the plaguelands simultaneously? how many more will be trying to, plus questers?
It goes beyond standard competition and into such deep scarcity that the world itself will not have the resources to properly support raiding.
This assumes the world must be set up to deliver a certain amount of gold to feed gold sinks of a certain level that is much, much higher than it ever was in Vanilla. I think this expectation that Classic will draw, proportionally, the number of raiders who raid every week with multiple wipes on each boss and consumption of elixirs, pots, food, and repair bills that we see in BfA is a call to change the nature of Vanilla to something it wasn’t before.
The (relatively-speaking) small raiding community in Vanilla didn’t require the kind of gold generation you’re talking about here. I think the expectation you have for Classic to be able to keep up with that kind of raiding appetite is calling for a significant change to the spirit of an authentic™ Vanilla experience.