To further support your point, a company going “full mobile” is not a good move from an investment standpoint.
If there is money to be made in both sectors, and you’re strong in both sectors, then you play both sectors. That’s diversity in investment.
If the mobile gaming market collapses in the future for reasons XYZ, and your company made a full shift to mobile when it was still successful in the PC game front, how dumb do you look after your studio closes and people ask you “why did you abandon the PC market? It could have secured you during the rough mobile era”
Blizzard started this diversification when it made console games. Their goal is to be not just a power house in gaming, but a power house in every gaming platform. If VR would have taken off, we’d see their presence there eventually too, but the future of VR is obviously shakey right now.
Yeah but those shareholder quarterlies are hardly indepth and only focus more on the overall numbers than actual details on how much each portion of te overall profits from each sector.And the amount of people in those meetings is nothing like the actual percentage of people there.
yes. lets nerf ways to make gold in classic. next, lets work on the economy its self. by limiting what we can or cant put on the ah and for what price.
and in the end, the game will be screwed and the only thing left for us to do- is add tokens.
what other point is there to this topic? because i just see a lot of jumbo about nothing but ways that limit players from making gold.
and in doing so, make it harder and the end result will be the need for tokens.
isnt that obvious?
keep a man from buying food and he is going to find a way to steal it.
its the same premise with gold. a needed currency for a player to progress. limit it and there will only be few options left and then what happens? people use it as an excuse to cry for the inclusion of tokens.
Zero issues detected. Vanilla was all about each class having really cool and unique niches that only they could pull off, and the really spectacular examples of those are some of the things that made vanilla and early xpacs enjoyable. Let people have their fun. Thats why were going back to classic in the first place.
To the people here worried about inflation…you’re aware that if these techniques weren’t possible, the prices of all the things these classes can farm and put on the AH would be much higher without them? As there would be even less of a supply for the demand, jacking prices up?
This thread feels like someone whining that they won’t be able to do the cool things other classes can do. Homogenization is killing wow. Why am I even bothering with responding to another “change classic in a way I personally like” thread. I lose I guess.
I’d believe you except that would mean you’re complaining about having a really cool and useful ability to obtain items solo that most people can’t, while both getting rich and providing a valuable service to your faction.
Yeah, I mean, what a horrible thing to suffer from. Why do you play games if you don’t seem to like having fun doing so?
if you honestly believe that ignoring the multiple negative outcomes, is better for the game as a whole- then you have more issues than originally thought. creating greater problems, to fix one exceptional situation, is asinine.
thats like saying because this exceptional situation took place, we need to cut off everyone from using the auction house. because it will fix that situation from ever happening again.
um- no. anyone with a single bit of a logical brain, knows what this topic is meant to cause in the long term.
More like a pretty straightforward realization that certain gold farms are quite disproportionately capable of impacting the vanilla economy to the point that they probably should be toned down or broken.
It’s called not being a blind fanboi and actually looking at the game objectively… Hunters and Mages being able to farm gold at 3x the rate of the other classes IS a problem worth looking at, and something that will undoubtedly have significant economic impacts if left unchecked. Even most private servers realize this.
Tell you the truth I am for anything that might make it harder.
As in farming tactics… I am meh with it.
I am for certain addons not being able to use. Certain addons ruins the game as in cast timer(you cannot see it in classic but can with an addon), and other various things that give an advantage in game play.
I am for the new macro system to kick the scripts out. As scripts to do everything with two buttons.
And if I where to do the same, and make sweeping generalizations about “people like you”, I’d point out that the near entirety of you are overly emotional creatures incapable of rational thought, but overflowing with a disgusting stench of casual player entitlement and rose colored glasses about what classic wow was, is, will be, and could be.
but I’m not in this thread to make generalizations about you, or “your kind”
For the record, I don’t support dual spec, but I do support giving specs improvements where needed to help get them into raids, instead of laughed at because they “chose wrong” on the character select screen or happen to have this CRAZY IDEA that dropping 31 points into a tree designed around dealing damage might actually make them GASP not suck at dealing damage… Pure illogical craziness, I know!
As for grinding gold, it’s being brought up because there is a rather gigantic gap in parity between classes what classes can farm, and does get exploited, particularly since it has become pretty common knowledge. As I previously stated, numerous private servers (most of them even) go out of their way to break some of the bigger ones for that reason.
The point, since you seem so confused is to ACTUALLY look at this objectively rather than just claim you are doing so, and not defend poor design decisions that can, should, and would have been done better had TBC not existed.