Blizzard will cater to server stability and the best experience for everyone as a whole. The “tourists” who aren’t going to stay aren’t going to be driven away by a queue or a crushed server. They’re going to leave because they don’t like the game and the pace of the play. But first, they have to actually encounter and experience that play.
All those stories about camping, and lag, and crowds of people are just that – stories. Isolated anecdotes. They were not routine play. Especially not after launch.
Early WoW was a crash fest nightmare for all sorts of reasons (not necessarily all load related). But it passed, and it passed readily.
This is NOT a part of the “Vanilla experience” Blizzard wants to re-create. The sooner the “tourists” can get in, get their fill, and get out, the sooner realm pops will stabilize.
The sooner that folks who have read about all these crazy stupid, server crushing things that happened discover that they can’t, or won’t happen, the sooner the safe guards can be turned off.
Do you want to remember the first 2 weeks of Classic as dead servers, huge queues, and instability? Or would you rather grouse that you might miss some complete stranger that doesn’t even know you’re not there for a week or two?
And for those who found their one true love out in Ashenvale near a Druid den, that they then married, and have since created several fat children, I’m pretty sure Fate wouldn’t let something as trivial as server sharding get in the way of that and they’ll end up finding themselves anyway.
Stable servers, gee-gawed, bored tourists, getting their fill, “nothing to see here”, then they Go Away. And sharding never happens again because the load doesn’t justify it.
A dead server isn’t a good experience for anyone. Even Vanilla purists.
Gee, another retail player who wants the “convenience” of sharding.
A retail player who illogically asks “Do you want to remember the first 2 weeks of Classic as dead servers, huge queues, and instability?” How dead can the servers really be if there are “huge queues”?
In answer to your question, though, I would much prefer to remember the first two weeks having server queues than to remember quest objectives, quest mobs, resources and other players appearing and disappearing around me or being in the same area as dozens of guild members but not seeing any of them.
You are vastly underestimating the number of people that will tour in from retail. You should look at BFA launch then look at it now. And how people are doing videos talking about how their guilds quit etc. Theres always HUGE jumps when something new hits wow then theres a massive dropoff afterwards.
Classic is going to drop in a content lull from Live. Those guys are already going to have a sub for classic and they will be tired of live with nothing to do. They will ABSOLUTELY play classic to see whats going on. It costs them nothing, and the main game will be at a standstill waiting on the next major patch. Most players dont even post on these forums…
Just you watch there will be a massive spike at launch then a huge dropoff.
I think its unavoidable. We cant stop them from trying it out. Even the ones who hated the idea will try it out even if its just to spam zone chat with “how much this sucks”.
Its going to take a miracle to not leave us with like 30 servers all with super small populations of around 800 after tons of people try it and leave. We will see I guess.
We don’t know that Classic will be released during a “BFA content lull”.
Releasing a major BFA content patch and Classic at the same time would definitely help to reduce that initial rush.
Remember, that Blizzard already has the subscriptions from those that subscribe to play retail.
If they want those additional subscriptions from players who unsubscribed due to the direction retail has gone, they need to provide a truer Classic experience. Adding something that Blizzard acknowledges is totally antithetical to vanilla is hardly the way to provide that truer Classic experience.
If Blizzard releases a major BFA content patch and Classic at the same time, though, those retail players that choose to focus on the new BFA content will still be able to dive into Classic during the “content lull” after the new BFA content is consumed.
I would prefer to see Blizzard release a major BFA content patch at the same time they release Classic over using something even Blizzard acknowledges is totally antithetical to vanilla.
Nah, people do the exact opposite, most have no interest in Classic, there will be some that try it out, but Current as a player source will be by far the smallest.
Nah, not all, some sure though,
This would happen no matter what though, and it doesn’t mean it isn’t good or anything.
Lol wrong, the ones that hate it are not going to waste their HD space and time with it, are you going to install current WoW and play it just to say it sucks?
Also the current playerbase will not be the only ones who try it and possibly quit, and being the smallest playersource they are also not the ones I would be worrying about.
This is the funniest thing Ive read all day. Because people actually do this right now in BFA. Go and ask someone with a sub, or go sub yourself and watch trade and general chat. People LITERALLY complain about BFA while playing BFA. Going on and on about how BFA sucks, and theres trolling in General chat about how Classic is going to come along and outperform BFA too.
Just because I wouldnt do it doesnt mean people dont. You must have not played live in a looooong time if you found that to sound absurd. I don’t blame you for not playing retail, but man oh man, you missed wide right on that one.
People ALWAYS complain,lol , they have done this since launch, and of course there is people saying things like that, why wouldn’t there be?
Nope I am 100% on target, the ones that hate Classic are not going to waste time with it the same as those who hate Current are not going to waste their time with it either. Most are not going to take the time to download and install a version they do not like just to troll,and that was my point, not that people don’t complain. Will some(install just to troll)? of course, but they would not be the only source of the trolling(saying it sucks)
Most of who I see in game do not care about Classic, if it is even brought up at all, and when it is brought up, honestly people are mostly indifferent, some bag on it, some praise it, a lot reminisce.
Though given what happened in the Chicago game, i think the meme can’t be ‘wide right’ is has to be ‘hit both bars and bounced out’
I can promise that some “tourists” will stay and become real players. Maybe not huge numbers, but some.
Coming clean here: on my main, years ago, I was anti-legacy server and used to join in the hate. I may have even posted the notorious Wall of No once, and for that, I am deeply ashamed.
When Nostalrius was released, though, I began to have second thoughts after seeing a couple of their amazing cinematics. So, at the point in time in that server’s history about a month before BWL opened, I went full tourist mode and joined in. The end result was that after a couple of hours of playing, I was no longer anti-legacy server. I was both amazed and terribly saddened that Blizzard had indiscriminately thrown away this incredible, beautiful world that they’d created.
So IMO, tourists are necessary and not even a “necessary evil”. Their presence should be cultivated. They are the source for potential new blood. And yes, most will leave. It’s the ones who stay that we should think about.
These should not be “fixed” from the start as many of these instance farming required knowing how to play your class, be a specific class, and or prebuff.
In vanilla classes had specific strength and weakness. Example, hunters we’re trash dps in later raids, but we’re the only class able to truely solo tribute runs. So why level a hunter if you want to play end game if you know your bad at later raids, can’t farm effectively, and have very weak aoe and sub optimal single target damage output?
The answer is simple, hunters are the best solo class, take away the benefits of that and there is 0 reason to be hunter.
Now could it be nerfed later? Sure if it’s showing to actively damage the economy, but that would still be 2+ years into classic.
But until it’s proven that that’s an issue, it shouldn’t be “fixed” because it could be an issue.