^ This. Keep vanilla vanilla.
I partially agree.
I think tourists can be a good thing. IMO, cultivating their presence is ok, until that cultivation starts to be at the expense of those who desire a truer experience.
IMO, those desiring a truer classic experience and who, have for ever a decade, been requesting that truer Classic experience should always be Blizzard’s focus target for Classic.
Part of what made classic better was all of the things you can do, not can’t.
We’d be doing some of those things today if there was any value at all in pre-current-expansion profession mats. Today, you’re funneled into raiding. That’s it. That’s all you can do. You sit until your DPS queue pops and some expansions have a random chance that you can find something worth a million gold.
I honestly don’t even know why they don’t just delete all old-world areas in each expansion, as they continuously go through great pains to make them all 100% useless.
“No you can’t just farm mithril. It’s rubidium! Rubidium is the answer! If you farm mithril, you’re wasting your time!.. Wait we changed our mind. It’s not hiphoppidium. If you farm rubidium, you’re wasting your time! No we can’t just make any less powerful metals in the next expansion. That just doesn’t make sense! It’s science! Every time you find a new land, you find more powerful metals just like IRL!”
Very much so. There’s so much value in doing things that the devs never intended or thought players would or could do. There was the freedom to figure out little tricks in Vanilla. Over the years Blizzard has clamped down on these things, and it’s lead to a bland and boring experience where you do what you’re told…or else.
So to address this thread, there’s nothing to fix. Relax, it’s just a game. Let people have fun. Let people do some unorthodox things.
Them boom chickens