Blizzard: Please disable consumables for the 10.2 solo rated BGs or

But no one said one was bigger than the other, I simply said no one cares or values EBGs or those who play them. You could be in an EBG with entirely R1s and I’d wager the majority of people here would still say “eww gross”. If you’re having fun then go wild, just don’t expect it to matter outside the confines of your community. It’s un-rated and largely against people who don’t know they are even facing you. Just no respect there homie.

As for consumables, I guess you are also slotting in dev time to completely re-do the maps so that they are symmetrical? Or are we just accepting that Ally on TP is auto-losing, Horde on WSG are auto-losing etc. Are we putting in any barriers into spec limits etc either? Or we just expecting 6 Boomies popping SW Pots and wiping everyone instantly? 3 MM plinking all 3 healers in opening? Awesome!

Sign-me up for this new consumable meta.

There will only be two healers to plink. Get your saltwater and elemental potions of ultimate power ready boiz!!

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I mean it applies to rated battlegrounds. That is the point here. If this is testing for a rated bg format then why are they enabled.

Made a thread in the PTR testing forums with a link to your thread.


you sound angry nobody wants to play with you.

bring any team you want

no, but thats because symmetry isn’t required. the rest is just a sort of git good hypotheticals, you act like we dont already deal with 15 MM hunters in every epic.

okay, then what about having this mode be a parallel rated mode, its rated but with unrated rules for depth of gameplay, we can have the existing RBG mode for class only and this new one for total game mastery.


your own clip shows a mage doing what we all know would get reported as cheating by people don’t understand what was done. there is no other term for this than mastery of the game.

Once its not in brawl format consumables will be disabled. Rbgs dont have consumes and this wont either. Do we really think that classes will be tuned around using consumes during the testing of this mode? The only thing you need to do is que the heck out of it once it goes live and have fun.


Homie, you just straight don’t know what you’re talking about

come show me then, assuming you can field a team.

RBGs actually do allow the use of battle standards, such as Horde Battle Standard.

Increases stamina by 15%… Not many people know about this for some reason, except for maybe the high rated teams.

But that’s besides the point; the brawl having consumables enabled is fine because it’s not rated yet. Once it’s rated, it’ll be disabled, so in my opinion, just let people have their fun with it while they can. The solo queue will be vastly different from regular RBGs already anyway, with the new power ups and faster paced games.


Bandages are also allowed. I suspect it’s because both of these have counterplay as opposed to just instantly chugging a potion and slamming someone with your Swifty macro.

Bandages you can interrupt, the banner you can kill.

The other exceptions like mage food and lock cookies are allowed because they’re part of a classes kit/utility, and panda noodles are allowed because they’re a stand-in for a small racial stat buff that pandas don’t have (because we have gourmand) but every other race does.

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counterplay for consumables such as potions is limited charges per game. the new DF consumables are like this, you can only have up to 5 charges in a single match. if they limited you to say 3 potion uses in a single game, you would have to choose when and where to use it strategically. if you mindlessly blow all your charges on saltwaters to supercharge your swifty macro and rack up KBs in mid, you won’t have any charges left to give you on demand killing power when their tank grabs the flag and turtles.

I don’t think you understand the meaning of counterplay.

Banditt gave some helpful examples:

Nobody wants supercharged swifty macros in rated PvP. Rated PvPers don’t enjoy getting killed or watching their teammates die because you skillfully pressed 1 or 2 buttons.


oh here, let me just bait your potion, okay, now i can run the flag.

With the matches lasting much less time, 3 potion charges is probably all you’d be able to use in most matches anyway. WSG for example will have a 12 minute duration.

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Or it’s just treated as the testing ground for the rated format it’s going to be, and the mode has the ruleset of a rated mode. There is a reason consumables etc were all disabled in rated modes. Once upon time they were allowed.

This is also why non rated modes exist where it’s just a free for all. Just keep it this way. Game has balance issues as it is, adding consumables and all the other disabled stuff to rated formats just adds to balance issues.