Blizzard: Please disable consumables for the 10.2 solo rated BGs or

I don’t understand this logic. If they “don’t belong” in one format, they should not belong in any format. What makes someone trying to progress rating more deserving of a fair playing field than someone trying to progress gear?

We have talent trees and PVP talents for that. I would much prefer they put some actual effort into making these compelling choices. They could even bring back a version of Azerite Armor Traits. But we shouldn’t need to gather a laundry list of miscellaneous bs before we can actually play the part of the game we enjoy.


Do you even play this game?

Tbf randoms, epics, and especially brawls (when the slot isn’t taken up by a testing thingy) are the PvP wild west, next to WPvP. They’re much more “arcade”-like.

I agree.

PvP is more enjoyable when it’s a level playing field.

If items/consumables make rated PvP unfun and unfair, that also applies to casual PvP.

It doesn’t make sense that casual PvP is a subpar experience, especially when most PvPers are participating in casual PvP.

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Indeed. They also further the gap between vets that use consumables and beginners that don’t.

I’m actually okay with things that help people survive, within reason. That does help the solo player against premades, but the damage modifying stuff does more harm than good, IMO.


every time they touch DK they make things worse, i would much perfer they didn’t

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Update. Don’t say I didn’t tell you so.


That’s good news. Also, good news on how races will work. It’s now safe for everyone to reroll to NE now if your class allows it.


Ya but epics arent rated and nobody cares about them, its just a for fun silly mode.

Rated is about who is better with a class/race
Not whom has more free time.

Fully agree

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You did not tell me.

Glad to see this confirmed. I think it was a pretty safe assumption, but sometimes you never know with these guys :crazy_face:

It hurts because it’s true.
I’m sure when next expansion drops we’ll see alliance racials mega nerfed and horde racials mega buffed :dollar:

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Yeah, you can’t take stuff for granted. They might have overlooked these issues if players hadn’t brought them up.


idk looks kinda fun to meeee…

You misspelled “Definitely would have missed these issues”

friend have you seen these streets?
they be real cold yo…