Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

if io didnt exist most people would still deny undergeared players from their low keys

LFG is what created this toxic environment
as long as you can click one button and have access to 50 different 470+ players signing up to your +10 why would you EVER invite someone lower for any reason?

thankfully, I can mitigate the risk of inviting a stranger to my group by inviting one with experience, based on his armory/raiderio data.


Search for completion groups in LFG. They are full of chill people just looking to finish keys for gear/weekly chest. Use the key you get from that to form your own groups if you wanna spend some time pushing.

If you like playing with someone tell them that. Add them to Discord or Bnet and run with them again. Eventually you’ll get a solid friends list and won’t need to pug.

IO only becomes important when you get into higher keys… in a pug environment people usually want to know you can complete a challenging key before they group with you for the first time.

This is not rocket surgery.

I don’t want blizzard to ban Raider Io I just want them to integrate it into the game and slap the owners with a cease order from forcing people to create accounts in order to remove their profiles. I don’t trust the site or the people on it I don’t know them and there is zero liability there like a company has. It could easily (tinfoil hat) Be a giant phishing scam to collect peoples personal information when they create an account which is required in order to opt out of sharing your profile with them. Or maybe they just sell your personal information you give them. Either way it disgusting that Blizzard allows that potential risk. It shows they care ZERO about their players sensitive information.

Maybe they should just remove the timer from M+


Incorrect. It’s just data and metrics.

Nope I use it to filter people who have done keys or not.

I couldn’t give a rat’s armpit about someone’s io score, but I do use it to see if they’ve run the dungeon before or not. And I ignore people who whisper me “My main has x score” eurgh.


I’ve started to use it recently mainly because when I didn’t use it I’d get people who had never stepped foot in a dungeon i’m trying to do a +10 on and have no idea how the boss mechanics work. Mythic + is not the place for new players learning the dungeon.
I don’t look at the scores as I know from personal experience they don’t paint a full picture, but I do see if they’ve done the dungeon and other equivalent content so I can see that they’re competent.
So until Blizzard adds better tools for the group finder I’m going to use Raider IO.

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I hate it when they say “My main has X score” as well with low ilvl gear which I had to deal with that today on a priest who had 434 gear who tried to get into my 7+ key

Raid io is a way to check if you are a good or just a bag.

You complain about raider IO, and when I click your profile you have no dungeon completions. Get some skin in the game and then we can talk.

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Unless you’ve been carried, either by a good guild, group of mates, or paid for your runs.

If only it was that easy. Know what happens when I make a group? Nobody joins it.

Turns out not everyone wants to do the specific dungeon you need a drop out of all the time.

There might be only one group interested in doing it. Partially full, that you could be a part of if they didn’t have insane requirements.

It is.

Except, it’s not. Read my post before responding next time where I outlined where I make groups that get no invites. Cause not everyone wants to do specific dungeons at specific numbers. Or maybe I just don’t have the key to a dungeon I want to do.

There are VARIOUS reasons why you can’t make your own group.

Just because no one wants to play with you doesn’t change the fact people can easily create their own groups and nullify most of the issues outlined in the OP.

Ok so you’re a troll then.

Here let me go make my own mythic raid group and kill the next raid tier the first week it comes out. Cause it’s just so easy to conjure competent players of all the roles you need to progress in content in this game. Just snap your fingers and everyone comes in.

It doesn’t take everyone. There’s thousands of people looking for runs. A lot of whom will take whatever they can get into.

No, you are just making excuses lol.