Blizzard, PLEASE ban It encourages toxicity/players quitting

yeah… thats not at all how that works. your io score resets for each season, and your previous seasons score is shown seperate from the current season.

only time your previous seasons score ‘might’ have an impact, is if you where coming back from a break, so have no current season score, but a really high previous season, and you’ve got a good ilvl, it could help you skip some of the initial grind since people would probably be willing to bring you into 8’s and 9’s based on your previous experience. (Instead of having to start from 2’s and 3’s)

rio isn’t, and has never been cumulative across all seasons.

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Those are generally not the best people to take if they’re just trying to get into “whatever they can get into”.

It’s a headache trying to make your own group. You wait forever to get a tank or healer and commonly run into an endless cycle of having a tank leave moments before a healer asks for an invite. Then having the healer leave before a tank gets invited. And then the dps leave because they got bored of waiting 15 minutes for a group and now you’re back to the start again.

Said the rogue who got their HoA to 84 and still couldn’t break 440+ ilvl.

Well yeah, I only started playing again like 5 days ago lol.

In 5 days I got three characters from 110 to 120 with all of them 440+

Sounds like you really just don’t know what you’re doing. Like you aren’t even doing m0’s you’re just wasting time in raid finder so what the hell do you know about making m+ groups?

I was unsubbed for over a year and had to do every quest line from the start lol.

Gonna have to disagree there. Got a ton of people getting alts to max right now that can use loot from any run, could use the IO boost, and are solid players.

Anecdotal and hyperbole. Just got my alt into M+ (destro lock) and making my own groups, while it can take a while, I’ve never run into any of those issues.

Honestly, all the craziness and toxicity people complain about here is something I barely ever see.

Best advice outside of joining a guild that does M+ is to put good players on your friends list when you do get a group and hit them up when you’re making your groups.

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Love how you respond to something that’s supposedly “anecdotal” with anecdotal statements of your own. Good for you, you had an easier time! Doesn’t mean it’s like that for everyone.

It’s just as obnoxious as some clown commenting about a notoriously buggy/glitchy game and saying “lol i didnt run into any bugs, everyone must be crazy”. Maybe you should let the fact sink in that if it was so easy to get groups people wouldn’t be complaining about not getting groups?

That’s the point. For every time it’s hard for one person, it’s easy for another. It’s definitely not always impossible like so many people claim around here.

I get it. It’s a million times more annoying to do when I’m not tanking. But it’s still plenty reasonable to make or get into a group.

Raider IO exists because a lot of the higher +keys REQUIRE people to know the fights and understand what they’re doing just in order to complete them succesfully.

If someone is using their own key to try and complete or time, then they have every right to decide to take people that they know aren’t going to mess up the run.

If it’s YOUR key then feel free to take whoever you like, no one is stopping you. You can literally start from the lowest key and work your way up every week improving it and making your own groups.

Well now your post is basically agreeing with me at this point.

So we acknowledged that it can be hard for people and easy for others.

And that it is a million times more annoying to do when you aren’t tanking.

Guess how most of my keystone runs have been formed? Because I was a tank and knew a healer. Or just went in solo as a tank.

Guess how I hate playing the game? Tanking.

I’d rather sit in a queue for 30 minutes as a dps than deal with the headache it takes to get into m+ groups as one. Like god help you if you’re playing a spec that isn’t popular to invite.

Plenty of people don’t have the option or inclination to tank or heal, and manage to get into groups just fine.

Why would you do it then? If my only choice to get into groups was to heal, I’d just do something else with my time.

I wouldn’t go that far. While I don’t disagree that it can be a PITA to get going sometimes, I don’t think it’s an insurmountable problem that is being made worse by IO.

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Step 1 call someone a ttoll

Step 2 use not being able to pug mythic raid week 1 as an example that you can’t pug people for keys…

Lol. Pot meet kettle.

i stopped playing retail period because of IO…well that and my guilds last actual raid was in … lets see… icecrown… the peeps got their loot and then bailed. and the guild became history… u say move to a new server? then u come up with the 500 bucks to move all my character out of a dead as heck horde side Antonidas server.


I am convinced somehow these forums are connected to a temporal device that initiates a time jump in various increments at times. You see to the above poster it wasn’t 1 year later but actually just a few days, but to us it was 1 year. I think this explains things and why threads get necro’d.


There is one resource you can use to make your gaming time much more interesting.
It doesnt cost you anything, and mostly, you need much grinding:

Get some friends

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I agree buff Titanforging

why you necroing an old thread? Rio is dead in the water.

Just to reiterate :laughing:


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K I’ll admit I didn’t even read half, but I get the sentiment.

When I first started playing new WoW, people told me that they hate IO, and watch out for IO, and how it ruins the game…

honestly it is the easiest system ever, I don’t get the complaints. It is incredibly useful for recruiting. I dont even know why people make KSM a big deal, it feels like for me it got way easier in 9.1 My alts get KSM without me even realizing it, same with IO. I’ll just gear up and look at my io for the first time "oh look 1700… cool i guess.’’

I’m not trying to be mean, but you must be a low end player, if IO is difficult for you and you feel that it is toxic, maybe you shouldnt be in high end content then, “gearing up” is for high end players, technically. Theres no need for someone who is not competitive in mythic to be stressing out getting 250 ilvl. Stick to LFR and World quests or something.

Truly not trying to be rude. But IO is pretty much why I play this game, and I’m so glad they integrated it into the actual game… it makes everything so much more fun, and I would not be playing this game if my Mythic score was not ranked. IO furthers this concept, and will tell your ranking for your server, the world, all kinds of metrics breakdowns, and it is AMAZING.

K end rant. I hope you do stay in Azeroth and enjoy your time though… but leave my io alone :stuck_out_tongue:

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