Blizzard, please ban GDKPs

Hey, I just call them like I see them. That guy has been calling me a liar from the start, I’m just treating kind with kind

Being familiar with his posts since 2019, I’m much more likely to lean towards him just being diligent in fact checking, and you attempting to spin a false narrative, then attempting to save face.

In any case, your narrative has been shown to be demonstrably false.


Eh, people are free to believe what they want to believe I guess. It doesn’t change my initial point in this thread that GDKPs on their own aren’t the issue, it’s the RMT backing them that is

And what issue is that?

With how prevalent RMT is, it’s created a lot of dirty gold that’s polluting the economy

What does this mean and why is it an issue?

It’s having a negative impact on the economy and on players that would rather not use illegitimate gold. By inflating the gold economy it lowers the value of each individual piece, which causes the “standard price of living” (for lack of a better term) to rise while “legitimately” earned gold remains the same

Do you have any examples? And could you demonstrate how this is an issue?

I mean, I gave examples based on my own experience but then people started calling me a liar ¯_(ツ)_/¯ All I can say as a demonstration is I sure as hell can’t afford to fill out my gem slots with epics right now, while back in original Wrath getting replacements for new gear was even less taxing on me than my repair bill

Maybe the ICC patch will shake things up with RDF and more readily available epics making the rarer enchanting mats more common. I don’t quite remember how gems were handled back then though…

Because your examples were false; demonstrably so when fact-checked.


So, for clarification:

Your answer is, “No.”

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Yes, actually. I would say not being able to afford now what I was very easily able to afford 14 years ago when I barely even knew how the game worked is a pretty solid example, but maybe that’s just me

I wouldn’t call this demonstrable, as not only is there no way to verify your claim, it was a long enough time ago that you could well be misremembering, and be forgiven for that.

In any case, not having enough gold to be able to afford to gem your gear can be solved in a number of ways. And I’ll just state some of these as an aside, not meant to be in relation to the topic here…

If you have the time to commit to a raiding schedule, I’d recommend finding a regularly raiding guild; particularly one that helps its members with gems/enchants for gear. This shouldn’t be too hard to find, but you may have different experiences than I have had.

I had initially earned gold through gathering professions (mining/herbing/fishing/cooking) and daily or max-level quests. This is a somewhat slow, but possible way to earn enough gold to be able to gem/enchant gear, and afford raiding supplies. When I transferred to Whitemane, I had a surplus of about 8000g, and I would spend about an hour or so each day on gathering or questing to continue to grow my gold.

Once I moved to Whitemane, I started attending regular GDKP raids, and am somewhat frugal on what I bid on, though sometimes I’ll be aggressive for items I really want. I found that the first week, I left my first GDKP with an additional 7500g, which effectively doubled my gold savings that had taken me several weeks (or months) to acquire.

I have not gone gathering since.

I actually am in a raiding guild, fairly casual we’re still progging ToGC 25, but a raiding guild nonetheless. I just have personal qualms against getting help with stuff like that, no it doesn’t make any sense even I don’t get it, but it is what it is

And I suppose it’s more accurate to say I have more important things to spend my gold on, rather than that I can’t afford the gems. Like cold weather flying for my alts. Especially with rare gems being so affordable and not that significant of a downgrade, I just can’t justify dropping a couple hundred gold on +4 spellpower. At this point I’m hoping the ICC patch will drop things down a bit more

As it stands at this exact moment across all my characters I’m sitting on something like 800 gold I think…soon to be much less probably because I’m trying to catch up on my Warrior’s Blacksmithing and flying around grinding Adamantite is a paaaaaaain…

However others may perceive this, I completely understand, as I have a similar stance.

Yes, this makes much more sense. Especially if you’re in a more casual guild, and playing several alts, prioritizing just having enough for each, rather than min-maxing any particular character or role.

Right! While personally I was very hesitant to even buy flying or dual spec for my alt, and have avoided epic flying, even though that alt is currently generating about 5-8k gold/week through attending GKDPs.

Part of me just wants to bite the bullet and start joining GDKPs. As much as I argue against “dirty gold”, truthfully I don’t really care all that much. What really gets me is just the idea of raiding with no goal of acquiring gear. Just the idea breaks my brain

That and I’m usually not paying any attention to chat unless I’m already doing something like trying to get a group for a dungeon or something. I don’t even know if my server even has GDKPs-

How do you feel about people who have obtained full BiS? Is it better for them to just bench that toon until the next tier or keep raiding?

Maybe? I don’t know much about your server, but from what I’ve seen of GDKPs, they are not all the same, and if possible, it’s worth checking around to find good ones.

For this tier, I decided to only do GDKPs, and you can find 50/50 25 man Heroic ToGC and 0-Light Yogg GDKPs, or all normal mode GDKPs, and everything in between. Some are much better run and curated than others.

As an altoholic, I usually just shift to the next character. Hell, I don’t even wait for BiS I just go wherever I feel like playing. This Druid is barely even 4.7k GS, my DK from phase 1 cleared Naxx once in a pug and then I took a break, I’ve got a a priest, Warrior, and Paladin all at 70-71, and a hunter at 47….

For people who just play the one character though, uhhhhh…keep raiding I guess? Help their teammates gear up, try for a better clear time each week…haven’t really thought about it too hard before, tbh

Yeah, well GDKPs are kind of great for this, as they keep fully BiS toons (or very close to it) raiding, since they might not get any gear from the raid, the might not have an incentive to spend the time otherwise, but getting say 5k to 25k gold for a couple of hours of having fun raiding can help gear out their alt(s).

Are we pretending that people having to pay for discord roles to advertise their GDKPs in discord servers doesn’t already exist? Are we pretending that any of the several million gold spent on GDKP rings last week in TOGC was gold that people farmed instead of buying?

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