Blizzard, please ban GDKPs

GDKPs aren’t the problem, it’s the RMT backing them. If Blizzard would take a stronger stance against that then we’d be way better off

Instead they added the WoW token, and all that did was make it infinitely easier for gold sellers to maintain a presence in the game no matter how many times they get banned

Even then… you can play the game and completely ignore GDKPs, RMT and the WOW Token.

The problem is botting.

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While true, it’s not really a perfect answer, because everyone who’s serious about endgame will sooner or later have to do something with gold - namely, gems, enchants, and consumables, and the more gold saturating the market, the less valuable each individual piece becomes. Meaning that the average price of these items goes up, while gold earned by players who do not partake in these activities remains the same

Just as an example, on my server a cut cardinal ruby is going to run you over 500 gold, for a single gem. That same gem back in original Wrath rarely went for over 20 gold

One might argue that the answer in this case is to make use of professions to make a profit off the AH, but that’s not really a fair answer either. That sort of gold should be a luxury to get things like the Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth, not a requirement for basic gear maintenance

Not even getting into the right and wrongs of GDKP, exactly how would you go about banning them? There is no actionable offense to enforce. How could you actually stop GDKP in a way that would not majorly affect all other raiding?

Consumables are the same price they were 4 months ago.

I dunno why people bother trying to rewrite history on the internet where everything is forever:

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And RMT was as rampant 4 months ago, I’m not sure what your point is

Not rewriting anything, I was there and am speaking from personal experience

Is there more gold in the market than there was 4 months ago? If yes, then why are the prices of consumables the same?

Your memory is mistaken. Every single mention of epic gem prices from message boards in 2009 and 2010 proves you wrong.

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You sound like you’re trying really hard to defend RMT for some reason. Have fun with that

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Uhhh, what?

I’m attempting to educate you slowly with some facts. It’s really funny that you deflect with this baseless accusation considering I have never purchased gold. I’ve never had the need because the price of consumables is so utterly cheap and I make it all back through raiding with a large surplus.



bots and players farm the mats and demand is lower than supply

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This is also false. I’m at the Stormwind AH on Bloodsail Buccaneers and Runed Cardinal Rubies are currently 222g.


So desperate for validation that you actually came to my server just to prove me wrong lol. That’s just peak pathetic

Cool, glad to hear prices have started going down finally

Validation for what? I simply called you out for lying and that’s what I do on these forums, I do it on Twitter too. People have become far too accustom to pathologically lying about anything and everything.

No idea what caused it but it’s annoying and I’m going to keep people honest as I can.


I take it back, this is peak pathetic

I’d say lying is but everyone has their own opinions. Good luck in ToGC, seems like you need it!


I mean fact checking is just fact checking. Making stuff up is more pathetic.


People make it seem like I’m spending hours doing this. Takes me seconds to a couple minute to fact check bizarre claims.

20g for epic gems back in original wrath? Took me maybe 30 seconds to fact check this because I know how to use google. 500g for Cardinal Rubies on Bloodsail Bucc? Took me the time to randomize a character and walk to Stormwind.

Like, just don’t lie or make up numbers to suit whatever narrative you’re trying to craft. Pretty simple imo.


This has got to be one of the worst comments I’ve seen on the forums, and a I’ve seen a lot of comments in the past few years.

“You caught me lying? You are pathetic.”

Like dude; you’re exposed. That’s the end of the conversation. You’re lying to try to make a point, which clearly is false, since you have to lie to make it.


I haven’t lied once. Last time I looked at the price of gems on my server, they were over 500 gold, and on my server back when I played original Wrath they were usually around 20 gold. I’m happy to hear they’re starting to go down now, though

Call my info “outdated” or something I guess, since I have less recent knowledge on the state of my server’s AH, but that’s not lying

Name calling and attempting to shame for verifying false claims and calling them such does not do you any favors here.

But sure, it’s possible that you’re using outdated information.

From what I recall, epic gems spiked up in price on release for a day or so, dropped down, and then climbed up to about where they are now, which is somewhere around 200-300 on my server, iirc.

I haven’t checked the ah for gems on Whitemane for about a week or so.

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