Blizzard, please ban GDKPs

I gotta be honest here your text message short hand makes it really hard for me to take you seriously.

True the only way to stop GDKPs would be to remove master loot as an option.

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I’m pretty sure its some dude’s bot that is coded to post the same drivel on any post talking about GDKP.

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It stops GDKP on a per item basis, but doesn’t stop “ticket runs” or whatever they are called, where a group brings someone along and funnels them the gear for a set price.

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would that be viable though? any kind of pug with a loot system other than freeroll would be less desirable when anyone in the raid can just decide they need a given item (let’s face it it’s death’s choice) and hearth out.

Would a group of 23 take a caster and melee dps carry for 50k each so that the carries get uncontested rolls on all loot that drops? Yeah that happens.

In retail, with personal loot system, if you are doing a carry on a plate wearer, you just stack your raid with plate wearers, and then they trade the personal loot they get to the carry.

If it was or became against the ToS to be a pathetic inbred who uses a video game to assuage a wasted life while surfing high on the exaltation of taking their turn as the bully. blizzard would be bankrupt in a single fiscal quarter. Why didn’t you think of this? Imagine if these vapid nematodes had to work for someone thing…I mean they’re one strange female’s rejection away from a mass shooting. Wtf do you think these blobs would do if you took away GDKP?
Please keep GDKP. If for nothing else, to save the lives of innocent IRL people.
I’m really hard on myself about a lot of stuff in life. Thank goodness I’m not so pathetic as to GDKP. You have one life…and you made yourself someone who GDKPs…I’ll way it again. Wasted. Life.

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Right now, i can get into a 50/50 togc 10m just fine. You can get into normal 25s just fine. Gotta work or aka wait a bit longer to find at least a 4/5 hm on it

I get your frustration. My platinum tinfoil hat makes me think its blizzard selling the gold to carry this gdkp buyers. And ive seen it in naxx10 man. Its amazing i saw someone drop 15k on a 213 trinket. 500 on evwrything else.

And they knew very well they was upgrading it all the next day.

But get the addon “badboy” filter the gdkp out. Report all the ones advertising for a later date sign up.

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How many people would even bother raiding if GDKPs were banned?

Anyway, what sort of player wants GDKPs banned? What are you hoping for with them banned?

A chance to find a raid group full of people who don’t need anything or who only need 1 thing, and you want to have free rolls on everything, including the 1 thing they need?

Nah, GDKPs are probably the best thing that has happened to this game.


such thing already exist :stuck_out_tongue: it’s just that many players aren’t even aware of it and probably don’t care.

I remember in original wrath at some servers like illidan, there was guilds who makes you pay monthly $$ for membership and based on the amount of $$$ you pay? you get more loot, that was the guild system :rofl:

Also top world guilds been selling raid items for direct $$$ since 2009, some of them even had that writen on their web sites back in the days when guilds had their own site/forums.

Doubtful Blizzard sponsored that, but it does sound like there were a few shills in the group.

How does GDKP’s create “Ghost towns”?

And let’s be totally honest, if your complaint about trade or looking for group chat is it is filled with GDKP chatter then you are concerned about the wrong stuff. GDKP chat is the least naughty stuff that is said in those channels.

because the guilds without a complete roster are trash and people would rather play with a competent pug (GDKP) than an “organized” guild that wipes to heroic jaraxxus every week

GDKPs that leverage real money, orchestrated over disc, is already a real thing. People pay real money just for spots in the group, mounts, and even titles.

While I agree they need to be banned… WHAT GMs exist to enforce it? Blizz ain’t gana do anything about it. Not unless it negatively impacted their bottom dollar. Then, and only then, will they move.

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You are already able ban GDKPs with your own raids or simply not go to GDKP raids. Stop asking Blizzard to do it for you. If players did not want GDKP, then there would be no GDKP.

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Nah, gdkps are vastly superior to pugs. Better organized, better run, and more rewarding.

Sure, you might run into someone with vast pockets that either has been running gdkps since vanilla classic or is a swiper, but then you just bid them the heck up and walk out with a fat payout.

Realistically it makes alt raiding much more enjoyable t know that even if nothing you want drops you’re at least walking out with something.

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Never gonna happen. GDKPs fuel gold buying, which Blizz is all about.

Just accept it: the game is built for whales. Well, and bots.


not recruiting so much as spam. most runs aren’t even happening soon, it’s an ad for a future run.

ohh and gdkp leads are huge gold sellers

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I mean, there are plenty of MS/OS and SR runs going on… why do you have a problem with those why prefer a different raid loot distribution system?

You can also join a guild to raid, and use a simple addon that will ban the word “gdkp” from trade chat and LFG channel if it bothers you so much. GBB which pretty much everybody has can do this if you put it in the blacklist filter.

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