Blizzard owes us an apology

If I repeat the facts over and over I am hoping they will sink in for the few outliers in this thread that are in disagreement. You are in the minority on this one.


I’ve been baited and it feels bad


Math says otherwise. It is intended that being naked increases your damage by 238%. It is undeniably a gameplay mechanic.

I agree and we also covered this with the Inef truth example but that doesn’t mean it’s a bug. Inef truth wasn’t effects wasn’t intended but it happened and they left it.

Yes scaling shouldn’t happen but you can’t hotfix scaling you have to remove it.


You weren’t baited…you were corrected and that probably feels bad. It is okay to be wrong though and now you understand what is going on.

You’re like a record player stuck on the same loop of “Opps I Did It Again” Brittany Spears released in 2004. It was terrible then and it still is.

Nobody wants to hear you spout the same post for the 1000th time. Give it a rest.


The record I’m playing is the same one that other players have stated clearly in this thread…this isn’t a bug or exploit. This scaling system is a complete failure and needs to be removed. That it is Blizzards problem and they do owe us an apology.

Nobody wants to hear people say that players are using the scaling system how it was designed to Min/Max is wrong. We just want Blizzard to fix their game. Stop blaming the players blame Blizzard.

Make that 1001, didn’t bother to read because I know you said the exact same thing again.




The way of the Sith

I should be able to grind decent PVP gear with bgs. Im very casual. Im fine with being 20 ilevel points below raiders, but now im 30-40 points below them. I’m getting killed in a GCD with 445 level. I don’t want to raid and I haven’t gotten above +8 in mythic. I’m also terrible at pvp so im not winning in arena (again most people have sick gear in arena from PVE). Bring resilience back!

Yes they can…

The irony to recognize what you argue is wrong while spouting off constantly as a delusional self-appointed ‘people’s champ’ disgusts me.

This game is sad. Working at blizzard is a joke you will be more respected working at a circus.


Probably get compensated correctly at the circus too.


Axo I swear you’ve changed your mog at least 3 times today

They’ve kept the mmo alive while gaming has continually shifted itself away from this genre…

I think the big issue is management and decision makers aren’t doing a very good job being innovative in the right areas.

Maintaining something is much easier than creating something anew.

IE. Keeping WoW afloat, is much easier than creating a new wow. Loyalty is what drives WoW, not anything the dev team has done.

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Maybe they have salary scaling.

Go in as a dev, do the janitors work, get 238% the income.


Disagree on one point. WoW has the best engine/responsiveness of any MMO I’ve ever played, which is what continually draws me back.

ESO right now is having to test putting a 3 second global cooldown on all AoE abilities to deal with large scale combat server issues, and final fantasy basically doesn’t have pvp.

The fact that WoW can’t handle 40 v 40 combat is honestly due to the fast pace of combat and the number of procs/messages that have to be sent.

Simplifying a bit:
1 v 1 combat, 2 combat msgs (one per player) / 1.5 s, each of which has to be broadcast to 2 players = 4 msgs.

2 v 2 combat, 4 combat msgs (one per player)/1.5s, each of which has to be broadcast to 4 players = 16 msgs

and so on. Even if you assume that an action taken by a player doesn’t have to be broadcast to that specific player, you get the same asymptotic complexity.

Ion isn’t lying with the whole O(n^2) business being a mathematically impossible problem to get around, they need to just stop with all the procs so the server doesn’t have to send so many messages.

TLDR: WoW backend is an impressive achievement


I know for sure this is some “spent” tool used by people. Sort of like the govt reporting exploits to software/OS creators. They have no further usage for it, or they see that it has become too widespread so they burn it. This and all the other recent discoveries about the pvp scaling system have likely been things going around on discords for a while.