It’s actually unreal that we bring an issue like pvp scaling up and get an ms paint drawing with some dude saying “it no impact u guys xd is all fine NO ADVANTAGE”
Actual memes.
Clip for those wondering
Call me crazy but the people abusing this in arena should get banned. That’s obviously a bug they are exploiting.
I don’t even think they should get banned. I think it should be Hotfixed and added to a slew of things players have found that Blizzard said didn’t exist.
As long as these Scaling/Template systems exist PvP doesn’t have a chance to be good. The best PvP happened before all these terrible systems and will happen again when we go back to what was proven to work.
I agree. Even if an exploit exists and the devs have egg on their face it isn’t okay to run around ruining everyone else’s day with it.
Has very little to do with why pvp is considered bad…
I think it should be difficult for blizz to ban people after releasing a system with this many bugs in it. I hope bugs like this keep getting found and abused. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
It’s a silly season, what you would expect? Silly things, silly!
This is pretty much my opinion on it, if they want us to beta test the game for them, there shouldn’t be bans.
You are crazy because it’s 100% not a bug though. They are just Min/Maxing the scaling system. If 200 level items or swapping stuff to get the most out of scaling is BiS. Then do it. There is nothing wrong with it. That is just how the system works. It’s a bad system but you can’t fault players for finding out what is actually the best to do.
That is the system they designed and it’s up to the players to figure out what is best. If it’s being naked so be it. If it’s green gear and sockets so be it. If it’s some funky trinket and manipulating scaling so be it. What would be better is if Higher item level was always best in PvP and we didn’t have to figure out what BiS lower gear is.
Being naked increases your damage by 238% and that is how scaling works. Use it wisely.
I have never quoted an abom post before, but this is actually an incredibly good way of putting it.
Yeah, it’s disappointing to see this sort of stuff going on in high-rated PvP.
Maybe I’m crazy but I think we should just go back to no scaling at all everywhere and we get vendors for pvp (that give us items based on our cr, example being 1400 lets us by 100ilvl items 1800 lets us by 105ilvl items etc.) and vendors for pve with items that are lower gear score than items received from actual content.
Blizzard is going to just make it so you cant remove gear in arena, instead of fixing the root cause of the issue.
Yeah I mean that’s too much work that they don’t want to do, easier to just throw band aids on issues, it’s what they’ve done since like 8.1
Yea and who’s fault is it? It’s Blizzards fault for developing a failed system. Scaling doesn’t work and trying to hide how it works just means some crafty players figure out the gearing advantage sooner than others.
Thanks I mean it’s crazy to think that players shouldn’t Min/Max the scaling system to their advantage in an RPG. That is what players do. I mean if you can take off all your most your gear and roll in and 1 shot someone with Drest it is just using the system efficiently.
Yea which is a shame. SL will be a total dumpster fire with scaling. Just wait till ppl start using old upgraded vanilla items with the new profession system.
I just hope we managed to find all the major bugs so Blizzard can get them fixed for BFA Classic.
The cheaters and exploiters.
No one is cheating or exploiting because Min/Maxing will never be cheating. If your swifty 1 shot macro involves removing your gear then do it. You are just using the system they put in place effectively.
If Blizzard doesn’t want us to Min/Max that just isn’t going to happen.