This is a very well formulated and correct response, I should clarify my point. From a design standpoint of the art in this game, it is an incredible achievement.
In addition the engineering team is absolutely insane, and their performance team in general.
My specific anger is directed at those who design the systems that involve player reward, player time played, and etc. Those people are awful and are lucky the love is there from the player base
Yeah blizzard cinematics and zone design are so good.
And yeah I think you hit it on the head. The evolution of systems in BfA felt like a bunch of hacky solutions to problems that were created by the original design of the systems.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions bud. These are professionals in their fields delivering sub standard solutions for problems that don’t exist. I am no where near aggravated at the 2300 mmr monk that did this.
Do you also think Rextroy should be banned for abusing scaling the way he does in Wpvp? Do you think the development team intended for War mode to be abused by whichever side (horde) is weaker by swapping an entire guild over to alliance to get full Azerite efficiency?
Do you think that it was an Easter egg that Lively Spirit was bugged S1? Should Cdew be banned?
I sincerely do not care even remotely about the intention, the execution of pvp related things this xpac has been so abysmally awful it would be comical were it not so sad.
Lol I get what your trying to say, but because blizzard didn’t think of the interaction doesn’t mean it’s intended to work that way. Yes it’s technically programmed that way, but so is every other exploitable bug that has happened before.
It’s just a unforeseen circumstance they didn’t account for and these players will take advantage of it for personal gain. That is the definition of exploiting.
They have slapped suspensions on people in the past for doing unintended tricks - getting buffs and then entering raids, etc.
It may not be a blatant bug, but the fact you have to know about it, you have to go through certain steps, and knowing it’s an unintended issue altering competetive play can very easily lead to a fair argument from blizzard that it’s exploitative.
who knows what will happen, but there’s no way they’ll shrug their shoulds and say this is clever use of mechanics.
You know the other day Blizzard made a big deal about their code reaching one million lines. All that crossed my mind was “oh crap …they will never find that naked scaling issue now”.
I can’t figure out the problem I’m having. I’m posting here because I’m not going to spend hours looking for a better topic. I’ve had my Blizzard account for years. After a long break I started playing again. All was well the first few days. Then out of nowhere I get a message that my password is wrong. A few attempts to make sure I didn’t make a mistake and I give up. I go to the reset password page and enter THE SAME PASSWORD I’VE BEEN USING FOR YEARS AS MY “NEW” PASSWORD. It’s accepted and it works. Huh. What the &&%^& is that all about. Now, a few hours off and I come back to the same (*^&%^ message that my password isn’t right. This kind of slop is terrible and might be enough for a long-time user to take it to mean they don’t want me here. If this continues I will cancel my membership. I’d rather not but I shouldn’t have to go through this crap.
Low gear/fresh character scale up to a floor ilvl. Its not completely useless ilvl but should require some effort to gear up. Enough to not getting 1 shotted.
Remove this current scaling.