Blizzard on Battle for Nazjatar: "It won't start until factions are balanced"

It’s not the absolute amount that matters, it’s the amount doing certain activities. For years PVP servers were horde-heavy and PVE were alliance-heavy. This meant that horde tended to have the advantage in world PVP while the alliance got more done with PVE.

Now that imbalance has gone even further. Many horde are in warmode and many alliance are not. In addition, alliance has a ton of solo players while the more hardcore raiders are horde.

So you can’t compare overall numbers because they don’t tell the true story. You have to look at various areas of the game to truly see the imbalances.


i feel sorry for you guys wanting to wpvp. i would turn on warmode so you could get your stuff done but it would hardly make a ripple in the vast ocean of horde players who need pvp kills and i’d just be basically using my time to let other people take advantage of me repeatedly, something that frankly, doesnt sound very appealing.


They sold faction transfers for YEARS and never once bother to look at the impact it was having. Slowly all the seriously PvP and PvE players transferred to the Horde. Most players that were actually interested in this kind of content are now in the Horde side.


I remember when people who wanted to pvp all the time would join pvp servers and those who did not would join normal servers. Dragging normal server people to pvp will take a lot of rewards – way more than they are offering now. Hopefully, the devs will get off this social engineering kick soon.


I’m just waiting for Blizz to give in to the cry babies on both sides over WarMode and make all servers PVP. Because honestly it’s the only thing that will make them happy.

People make choices in the game from those that are offered to them. They can only respond to changes within the game, not create their own options.

But wanting to pretend all problems in the game are the result of “people” is common among those who don’t want to understand the basic issues involved.


i have looked it up. i’m just explaining why there arent enough alliance for you to to wpvp with. why do i need to get over that you dont have enough alliance to wpvp against? hehe

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I did until flying came out
We had lots of fun fighting each other

woot classic. i only wpvp in classic if ya kill the quest givers. i hate that.

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I love that statements like these always come from low level toons.


Incompetent. But better nerf gems!!!

Typical alliance. We can literally burn your civilian children alive and you still will cower and hide😂

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dont tempt the grumpy old lady :sunglasses:

battle wont start until both factions are balanced

so in other words never

Oh look the dev favored faction is dominating Hordemode


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And the actual problem is again swooshing right over the standard alliance players head.:thinking:

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LOL HAHAHAHAHAHA! Enjoy never seeing this event horde :joy: RIP this event ever happening again.

I just have to wonder why they thought adding a WM event was a good idea, knowing that WM throughout BFA has been a failure. I mean did they suddenly think that the Alliance player base which is large not interested in PvP was suddenly going to turn WM on for this?!?

Just goes to show you how little forethought went into this update.


we can fix the population issue if we just give the Nightborne and Blood Elves to the Alliance.

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