Leave him be…I dont think he understands how numbers work.
So Alliance is 80% of the game? Not a fix. But typical of Alliance thinking!
which is? i mean you want alliance to turn on warmode. but when we do, we’re usually …not always…but usually outnumbered and out played (i dont pvp. i’m 60 years old in real life. have rheumatoid arthritis in both hands so that my fingers are pointing in the wrong directions and some are actually frozen in position, making fast pvp decisions kinda rough. i mean my right hand looks like it’s perpetually frozen in the vulcan live long and prosper position. ) so when i say i feel bad for ya and would help if i could. well, i can but fun that would not be.
It’s not about the alliance turning on warmode, it’s about the alliance with warmode on not actually attempting to form any kind of pvp groups.
Trust me, alliance aren’t in short supply, and picking you guys off one by one is easy, but there is most certainly plenty of you with warmode on to form a counter group.
While the horde often form larger groups, to be far more effective, the alliance are just scattered, doing whatever they do.
So, again, it’s not a shard balance issue, it’s a on faction is working together while the other isn’t.
They are.
only 40% of level 120 is Alliance.
And you don’t even make threads qqing about it.
This is why Horde is seen as the better race and Alliance are associated with crybabies. Smh
You clearly now talking out of your behind. Even the Blizzard post said that this is being disabled doe to IMBALANCES ON THE SHARDS.
/eyes roll up in head while she chants to herself, ignore the bravado ignore the bravado
i dunno. i never turn it on. like never. as in, i’m only here to help explain why i think the problem exists. you are saying that the alliance, a percentage of which are horde alts, dont bother to form groups to do actual wpvp even though they have warmode on. this can only mean one of two things: 1) every alliance with warmode on doesnt know they can turn it off and therefore probably new players or 2) every alliance player with warmode on is lacking substantial amounts of grey matter.
remember the pre launch event for lich king and the fuster cluck it was with all the one sided PvP that took place? just imagine the chaos from trying to doing WQs in a small region like naz when your on a server with unbalanced factions only now theres no way to report people for griefing since WM is 100% optional
not that it would do any good to report griefers anyway cos the zombie event basically gave too much power to campers/griefers and Blizzard did nothing to curb them even as it drove players to stay unsubbed and many NEVER returned even after the event was over
don’t get me wrong the zombie event had the potentional to be WoWs most epic launch event of all time but it was ruined by too many players wanting to be as disruptive as possible
Friend of mine just did it an hour ago, so… still happening.
Won’t be happening on my WM sharded server, it’s always 15 horde to 1 alliance.
That isn’t how shards (or servers) work, these days.
Tell that to mechagon last night when that warmode quest popped up. 100 horde running around and maybe 15-20 of us alliance. They kept spawn killing us on bosses while we were trying to get rares for that 150 parts quest.
We did let them know when it first happened that it wasn’t working as intended. Got silence, just like all of our other issues such as day/night cycles.
So now Alliance are extremely dominant, get 25% bonus, and get free gear whenever AoO is up.
It’s pretty clear to see why so many Horde from servers like Barthilas transferred to Alliance Frostmourne.
You get all the benefits, plus you are on the largest population server. It’s a win-win.
hey thats almost like my solution: a third faction composed of elves. lor’themar leaves the horde and takes any belfs with him that are interested in the new faction. tyrande leaves the alliance and takes any night elves with her that are interested in the new faction. thalyrssa leaves the horde and takes any nightborne with her that are interested in the new faction.
the horde and alliance leaders other than tyrande, lor’themar and thalyrssa, vote to sacrifice alleria to knifu’s void prison (she has the best chance of escaping it), which angers umbric, who leaves the alliance and takes any void elves with him who are interested in the new faction.
and their homebase is a scaled down version of suramar with separate elven districts, canals and swan boats. now since the horde has alot more elves than alliance does, that might actually help to solve the population imbalance.
then in 9.0 they give horde ogres (ogre females are so notoriously beautiful, ogre males hide them thats why we’ve never seen any. hehe but they are either beautiful and dumb or beautiful and so disagreeable only an ogre could love them), and alliance finally get high elves. problem sollved.
The warmode shards cannot really be properly balanced because there is an excess of Horde who turn on warmode. They can be spread out among the different shards, but how can there be overall balance when there are more Horde in warmode?
You hear frequently from some Alliance player who turned on warmode for some quest or event, then has a bad time and complains. They probably don’t do PVP normally, but thought they could do it temporarily to get some task done. I think that is a big mistake on the part of the developers.
Trying to coax Alliance players who generally don’t PVP to just “try it” is just going to lead to disappointment. You end up with a bunch of experienced Horde folks going up against a bunch of inexperienced Alliance people, and then it is just a gankfest for the Horde who like that.
If you are Alliance and do not normally do PVP, do yourself a favor and don’t turn on warmode just to do a quest. If you really want to try warmode, fine, but expect to be slaughtered. If you want to try warmode in a safer environment, roll a Horde toon and PVP on that.
I just turned Warmode off permanently. Can’t deal with the constant 20-1 imbalance anymore. Can’t complete WQ, regular quests, nothing. Congrats to Horde players on their owning all the zone buffs (I’m assuming you get buffs, but I wouldn’t know - we’ve never won the zone) and the +15% of everything else.
wasnt derailing…it was more along the lines of, i have been there.
the ONLY way to fix this system, is to get rid of warmode and make it always 100% pvp.
or get a few of your top guilds, make a big announcement whatever…get a few hundred players together to discuss what you can do about this in game an old knights of the round table sorta thing maybe, make an ALLIANCE of alliance players. gather large raid parties…bring it. if more of the players have fun with that maybe more will turn the warmode on.
when i became horde i did it because they were the underdog…it was so much fun trying to fend off raids on our cities. but most of the alliance (im assuming thats still the case) started to get butthurt when things started becoming more even, and then really angry when they started to lose.
i understand right now it sucks to try to be in warmode as alliance. but the more of you that go “im turning it off” the worse its going to get
the time has already passed where individual alliance keeping warmode on, might have worked. too many alliance have changed factions and some percentage of alliance are just horde alts working on achievements/mounts/etc, who aren’t interested in alliance warmode, leaving only new players or returning players, who dont know you can turn warmode off, being the only people with it on at all. iow, its too late.
imagine you’re a new player or returning player and choose alliance pve server. warmode is already on and you dont know about it. suddenly a squad of horde come thru and kill you, 20 vs. 1. you might think…whoa, why’d that happen or you might think, sheesh i am in the wrong faction. another one bites the dust.
Tewa, you can be better than this. I’ve seen you engage in rational discussion. Ok, yes, there is an issue in certain regions about the warmode bonuses. But this is an issue that Blizzard needs to address. I’ll agree that if the Alliance dominates in a region that Horde should get the bonuses. The fact this isn’t happening is a Blizzard issue, not a Player issue. They need to fix how they define who gets the bonuses.
Slinging mud against the other faction about a problem facing certain regions is NOT helping your cause. It’s simply making you look bad.