Blizzard on Battle for Nazjatar: "It won't start until factions are balanced"

This was not the case the last few days from what i’ve seen… Horde almost instantly won due to the large numbers in War Mode. The alliance got a total of 165 points out of 3000. We were vastly outnumbered on every front we went to.

Can you please actually HOTFIX that into the game is it ACTUALLY happens? I’d like a fair battle at least…

in fact, they even camped the main quest hub with the 40+ players they had and had over 4-5 bounties :man_facepalming:


Another alliance complaining at blizz that the alliance won’t turn on warmode

What do you want? For a blizzard employee to come into your house and turn it on??

This is a purely alliance player base issue

Shocking that the lfr, pro flying, wants the game mindlessly easy faction doesn’t want to fight


Going on 15 years without being able to balance any single aspect of this game.

Don’t hold your breath, OP. Blizzard is by far one of the worst companies when it comes to balance.


Did you not read the blue post at all, or check your statements and back them up? LOL

1.) They flat out admit that there was an enormous faction imbalance in Nazjatar.

2.) I’m definitely better than the average “LFR casual player”, and stereotyping a faction itself is pathetic. Either way though, those are off topic, so please don’t derail the thread.

3.) Quit hiding on an alt, you know we can see who your main is, right? :joy:


Yeah, my expeirence today too. Horde won in 10 minutes and it started with the sides completely lopsided.

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I play Oceanic Horde, so I have the same experience as you Alliance lads but I don’t even get the +25%.


Yea, it’s just not fun when one faction gets overwhelmed…

This is not to you Ladroesh, but I feel like I need to say this.

To clarify, I don’t care if horde wins, I just want a fair battle so I can have fun in it at least.

This post is not about the past, this is about fixing a new system in the game now.

I’d rather have factions balanced, and that helps both factions. So let’s not derail the thread talking about past faction imbalances.


you guys should have been around when 2/3 of the player base wanted to play the “pretty” characters…it was almost 100% required on some servers to be a rogue if you were going out solo into the world as a horde character


That sucks :confused: hopefully blizzard will make the changes on Oceanic as well to help balance the factions over there!

This. It isn’t a Blizzard issue if Alliance players don’t want to turn it on. If burning down Teldrassil didn’t make you Allies turn it on for bloodlusted vengeance based on tribalism, then nothing will. You also get vast amounts more rewards from participating, so you won’t even do it for that, yet you guys whine about how “it’s too Horde dominated!”, well, maybe if all of you turned it on and fought back, this wouldn’t be an issue.


While sharding is still a thing or at least for as long as Blizz refuses to fix it, starting when numbers are balanced will never work. Ever.


This is a true Horde right here.


Balancing the game IS a blizzard issue. I have been in War Mode.

Oceanic realms are alliance dominated for the most part… it’s not fair for them to be overwhelmed and gimped of rewards for playing a certain faction, especially when they ARE participating in a mode.

There is ways to balance the factions, blizzard simply have not taken the right steps to ensure it is done correctly.

So all in all, quit blaming the factions and detailing it to a “Well u should turn on war mode” type of deal… if that was going to be the case, blizzard would have said that already rather than trying to make fixes.


Player populations have nothing to do with “balance”. Abilities and classes, maybe, but not player populations, unless you are going to force race changes and population caps on factions.

Player population has to do with personal choice. That’s the only real deciding factor.

I dunno, I like smashing alliance players who always whine when they are the ones who hate warmode unless bribed.

It’s kind of like a “Where’s Waldo?” event whenever this bg procced. Scanning the entire map for one Ally for that kill.

Meh, we always subjugate and push these whiners to their base if they start anything in any shard and then some.

You do realize you get rewards for war mode participation… right?

And you do realize I can’t make the choice to be outnumbered, right? Lol

It is a balancing issue, which again (and I’ll highlight it for you since you obviously seem to not be reading it) BLIZZARD IS TRYING TO BALANCE IT ALREADY :rofl:


We get far less rewards then you do, yet more Horde participate. Cry me a river.

And that’s not Blizzard’s fault. They didn’t put a gun to the heads of every Horde player, and force them to roll Horde, anymore then the great Alliance flood of Warlords. There is no magical conspiracy against poor little you.

Nothing you’ve mentioned has anything to do with “balance”, nor will it ever result in “balance”. You can’t force people to roll Alliance and turn Warmode on.

fun fact: in past horde had better PvP.
This made serious raiders/PvP players faction change (as they wanetd higher chance to win/be one of first to clear). Racials were part of issue (not really issue anymore overall…but no reason to go back to allaince as u gain nothing from it either)

The current issue is ofc player issue; however the past reason was game balance issue which casued current issue.

lol this is where i now ignroe your posts.
Factions dont have any difference on if ur pro lfr/flying or not. That is individual based.

I am alliance main and I was not pro flying :upside_down_face:


It’s all cool until some oceanic horde phases 2x40man raids into our shards

Then we turn war mode off / call it a day / swap zones, because getting into a raid group to fight them is pointless and unrewarding.

Late last night (so during Oceanic prime time) I went to check out the new War Mode quest on Mechagon.

MULTIPLE 40-man Alliance gank squads at every single rare spawn.

It’s not that there aren’t enough Alliance, it’s just that Alliance have played the victim for so long that they’ve gotten Blizzard to always pay them time-and-a-half.

(Horde get 250 spare parts for doing the quest. Alliance get 400 spare parts for doing the same quest, even though they outnumber Horde 20-to-1.)