Blizzard not listening to brewmasters

I have GOT to know how you make brew work in pvp because it’s the only tank so far that feels like it lacks both burst and self-sustain to me. (Huge respect btw)


At this point, Blizzard should just delete Brewmaster. Protection Paladins got two reworks. We only got nerfs lol, what’s the point?

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What is drunk may never die


Join the club WW needs some attention Bliz (Day 5)

go full mastery build, ignore the 4 set effect, craft your gear with crit > mastery. this will at least makes you chunky.

Can you show me which Brewmaster is making this work well at 10+? Also has to work in raid.

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I would’ve thought you’d had enough of being embarrassed after doing this same thing on the paladin forums and being shown out that you have no idea what you’re talking about…

For reference: [Why does prot paladin feel so squishy? - Classes / Paladin - World of Warcraft Forums](

I’ve simmed mastery for dodging and it hits diminishing returns on dodge super fast. And significantly worse the higher your dodge floor is

here you go

Crit / Mastery is a very old concept, before you say something, go learn how to synergize your abilities. those other talents in your talent tree that you never picks are not just for decoration there are there for other purposes, learn how to use it.

bet you can’t even beat me or my other 3 paladin tank team mates in healing meter in a 25m+ , all tanks run

Misinformed and obnoxious, what a combo.


this was called
in panda days.

a lot of you are new and a lot of you never explores other builds. u are stuck in that echo chamber.

and you know what i felt about monks here crying, i kinda feel you all deserve it until u voice up b/c these the same devs ruin how a holy paladin should be played. same year same expac, they always go for maximum versatile idea that pallies and monk should be play the same and should share same playstyle etc etc. your build will always be all over the place and u’ll never be able to min max to the style you want.

but look at that now, you all play paladins haste like a mantra.

They could start by fixing shuffle to actually double stagger amount, instead of only increasing it by 30%.

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You guys need to make more noise as was suggested, post in other places besides here.

Two unfortunate truths :

-Monks are probably the least played class
-Blizzard would much rather a spec be garbage than OP, even if the playerbase for said class is the smallest. And as it has been mentioned, Brewmaster always ends up hot garbage, or OP.

I really love monks, but the devs treatment of it has absolutely destroyed my urge to play it. Since Mistweaver seems to be “good enough” in blizzards eyes, they’re attitude is “dont bother, theyll eventually spec mistweaver to keep playing or reroll”

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I remember my first beer

Maybe 2 items with mastery which is actually good but anymore than that and you are losing damage and suvivability. It has heavy deminishimg returns because it is stacking % defensive which is also dodge. Thus means magic and abilities hurt more; while crit serves as a versatile defensive stat that caues you and others to heal you for more while doing damage.


Yup, mastery is problematic. It’s value is very one dimension, it is hard to put a value on it where crit and vers are consistant in their benefits.

If they were to do a major class rework you would hope they would bake Elusive Brawler entirely in to the tree/spec and shift mastery to something else.

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Doubling down on the stupid is certainly one way to go…


switch your loot drop to heal, it will drop mastery > crit items, then use it on your brew. jesus u people need to explore more. i am giving u a different approach to on how you build your character but u all always fall into a funnel meta build and always get same result. Squishy = complain = cry for more buff > repeat.

Thats not how that works at all…


I’d recommend not engaging with Pudding… but feel free to look at how much incorrect information they’ve posted in the last few days on multiple class forums. It’s like they’re seeking some sort of validation, but posting pure drivel.