Blizzard nerfs timewalking badges for literally no reason

“We really want to respect the players time going forward.”


“we really want to respect the shareholders money going forward.”


We can transfer currencies now. It’s still 500 badges for the first one, and less for everyone after. It’s still way faster than trying to do it on one character, or even a few before we could xfer currencies where you’d have to wait for a single character to build up enough to buy something.

I can kinda get being miffed at the reduction, but…eh? Blizz should’ve just done this alongside the currency xfer feature and it’d be fine. And it’s still better than before, especially with the raid bit that also gives badges.

how is this faster than before when you got 500 for the first quest on EACH ONE vs now 200 for each subsequent turn in? HOW IN ANY REALITY IS THIS FASTER?


My math is better than your reading comprehension. Literally the very first sentence. We can transfer currencies now.

/walks by a Blizzard employee who slips me an envelope, a single timewarped badge and some brewmaster buffs fall out as we both shuffle away

Don’t forget the raid, either.

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okay now your just trolling.

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kinda makes sense.
You can do that quest on a list of alts, unless something changed…get your 500 TW tokens and send them to a main.
I’ll take that over what we had before
I had tens of thousands of TW badges…but spread over alts so far and wide I couldnt even get a mount for 5k lmao.

I moved them to my Zandalari druid “main” (main because hes the one I actually went totally nuts with Engineering with) and just got the wrath horse TW mount which is really nice.
Next one I want is the wolf from WoD TW.

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Oof. I have like 25k saved for a rainy day luckily.

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looks like its 200 for the quest…at least it was on my second run for the day.

meh…for that much its not worth farming.
I only want the wolf from WoD now anyway…


Being able to transfer them isn’t really that big of a deal unless you’re quickly trying to get 1 item and don’t care after that.

Previously if you wanted several items it was still more efficient just to put each alt towards a single item. Being able to transfer didn’t matter as much because it’s not like you need to make a single 30k badge purchase.

This is a pretty significant nerf to anybody with even a couple of alts.


we could already trade them before this week, and during the TBC week that we just had we got 500 for the quests on alts.

So all the does is reduce the total you can earn during the timewalking week going forward.


Hmm crazy, still seems like they can farm just like before.

Hmm crazy, 1 = 2 I guess

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Farming isn’t affected mechanically. The amount farmed is. Use that brain of yours. People who liked farming can still farm the exact same way they were.

Y’all aint got like 20k of these badges just lying around?

If that’s the reason then it’s somewhat flawed, because most people play x number of hours, spread among y number of players so that isn’t as big an advantage as it sounds.

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Just counted mine up across all my alts … 130K+ I’m set for a while. I only do TW on a few alts each time it’s up these days anyhoo.

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You must’ve done amazing in math questions since you think it’s the same quantity

Strawman. He never mentioned quantity. He spoke on ability to farm. Which you can continue to do. Just like he said