Blizzard nerfs timewalking badges for literally no reason

I have just over 35,000 badges.
What would i spend them on? 500 to buy 100 reputation with a reputation i’m already exalted?
A bag of 10 meat?
These changes are tone deaf.


This is kind of funny. We get a nice warband and can distribute some currency around, but our overall currency is less per toon.

That’s hilarious. I wish they didn’t make it so obvious.


Except that in like 3 weeks we’re going to have a metric :poop: ton more things to buy.

I wish everything Bliss says was not sugar coated. I just want the truth, but most players can’t handle the truth, no truth handlers be them. Just tell us:

“Listen up noobs, we think timewalking badges are too easy to get, so we are making them harder to get. Thanks for understanding.”

No need for tact, I can’t cry myself to sleep at a higher level, I’m already at max.

I’m not gonna act like the sky is falling about this, but I’m also not surprised. I just wish the people in charge of decisions like this would realize something.

Not everything has to be a grind in the game.

We already grind gold, levels, gear, crests, stones, professions, reputation, mounts, etc. Sometimes fun can just be…fun, without worrying about just barely having enough tokens to get things from holidays or special events.

This is the dumbest thing ever. So THEY make a system where you can share currency, and THEY decide that this is one of them that can be shared, and then THEY make it so you get less overall badges because of their previous decisions.

Seems like this game is in the toilet.


my goal was to make another 5000 this week in preperation for the vendor refresh in 11.0.5

Now I’m getting less than half that.


I know they’re adding classic timewalking. And then some time in the future they’re refreshing the vendors for the others. What else is there?

I think I remember there being a bunch of other npcs for the anniversary.

The compensation is that they’re account wide now.

You don’t have to farm them on s single character to be able to buy stuff.

The anniversary has its own currency though.

Not true. Mounts and tmogs are account bound since what WoD?
Simply buy item 1 on alt 1
Buy item 2 on alt 2
etc etc. Its not like buying the tmog on alt 2 was gonna prevent alt 1 from using it before.
Essentially this is a direct nerf.


Which required saving tokens over several timewalking events. Now we can just send them all from alts to one character and buy it in one event.

Thought I remembered there being stuff for TW badges as well.

That’s what I’d heard and I’ve been looking. I’m fairly sure that was just talking about the classic timewalking stuff though. Which isn’t exclusive to the anniversary. It will become part of the regular timewalking rotation.

And we SHOULD be deliberately obtuse about it. It’s not likely they’ll care about our outcries…unless it hits their bottom line somehow…but their efforts to chip away at our progress to increase their precious ‘time-played’ metric deserves to be called out for the hokum it is.

There was a very good outlet for our derision toward their shady strategies, in the form of the question-and-answer segment at Blizzcon. Several times we were witness to the ‘red shirt’ players publicly asking pointed (and embarrassing) questions that made them squirm, and were simply unable to ignore.


so they make it worthless for the people who have always played alts and want to play alts? Blizzard sure likes punishing people for wanting to play the game lately. When they have two groups with conflicting desires, they should always side with the people who want to play - that is just good business.

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it that the entire list? most of that stuff was already available and lots of people already have

i have thousands of badges i have no use for across my alt army

The legion herb bags are worth 125g on average. So 5g/badge if you wanted cash. Dropped 15k last legion week and still have 15 k. :hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil::see_no_evil: