Blizzard nerfs timewalking badges for literally no reason

No point in this warband system if they are just gonna nerf every little currency you do on alts.

They’re obsesion of trying to optimize anything efficient needs to stop. Let players enjoy the game and you progression or well just go elsewhere.


They make quality of life improvements for alts with the Warbound system but subsequently continuously nerf gains for your alts, talk about counter-intuitive.


Yeah I admit, I’m not the happiest with this decision.

I was stoked I could finally transfer this currency between alts and maybe finally get a chance at the mounts, which I finally did this last timewalking with the eclipse dragonhawk.

I ran a few alts through the raid and felt great knowing I could earn something.
I had the same plan for this upcoming wrath timewalking.

Not everyone has 100k badges. And what does it matter if we did?


I really hate the people who whined for account wide everything - what did they think would happen?

I swear this was one of the few currencies, we could also buy a box for a certain amount which costed more than the certain amount so we can send it to our alts via mail. If that was the case, then a reduced amount for alts is just like the payment for sending it to alts since now we can just transfer with out a penalty.

Personally I am pretty upset by this. I have been farming the 500 badges on 10+ alts every time it is up so that I can up my mount collection. There was no need for this. It takes YEARS to collect everything. The 500 to 200 nerf is absolutely uncalled for. It takes a ton of badges as-is to buy the rep tokens. Its just cosmetics, mounts, pets, etc. Why make those harder to obtain, when it takes years to collect them all? BLIZZ PLEASE REVERT THIS CHANGE!


Every reward in the tw vendor othee than gear is account wide (gear that is so low for s1). Without it being warbound it was already accountbound in a way. If warbanda never came people would have still played alts and gotten the rewards on them.

There is literally no reason for this not at all


it’s entirely just for big ticket items like mounts, you could get the mount in a single TW week by having 10 alts and just doing 1 dungeon on each, while i find it a really weird, bean counter-y change it makes sense why a carrot on a stick for the event being easily farmable in a few hours despite the event repeating every month wasn’t something they liked

the change doesn’t entirely fix it either, but it makes said grind longer, i do wonder if it resets between events tho? since i always got the 500 timewarped badges quest refreshed every time a TBC/Wrath/Cata/MoP one rotated back in, even if i already did that event’s quest

Yeah, but the expensive rewards like mounts were previously unaffordable within a single timewalking event. Sure you could earn 500 badges per toon but they remained separate balances of 500. The idea was that you save up for the big prize on one toon over time. That’s no longer the case. Since you can transfer the large sums of badges to a single toon it is very easy to afford. And obviously they want to slow it down a bit before the refreshed vendor tables start. No one is saying you have to be happy about it. But pretending there’s no reasoning behind it is just being deliberately obtuse.

this is also entirely in line with their warband philosophy i remember them clearly stating, wherein they want alts to be possible and maybe give some minor boosts if you’re using them effectively, but that the system was NOT going to be giving you massive boosts for having an army of alts to rotate through because they didn’t want to incentivize it for people not interested in it.

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There is no reasoning behind because

  1. Wtf is tw economy? They are controlling cosmetic rewards now?
  2. Whats wrong with people “hoarding” a mainly cosmetic/completitionist currency?
  3. This change sounds spiteful, because when tw had just came out everyone had to wait to get thw mounts and that was back in WoD. 2014. Ive been playing from 2014 and timereaver dropped last year. I already waited to get the rewards why am I being punished now for having 60 alts that I try to run every week?

There is no defending or explaining any flawed reasoning. This is not a good change oeriod


What? How are you being punished?

Sticking with deliberately obtuse, hey? Have fun with that.

So mr blizzard dev whatvwas wrong with someone getting a mount in a week with at leaat 10 dungeon runs acroas 10 toons?

You all blizzard devs keep mentioning this and I fail to recognize how is getting a mount in a week a bad thing on AN EVENT THAT ROTATES ITS FULL CYCLE ACROSS ALL EXPANSIONS THAT TSKES MONTHS TO EVEN HAVE THE VENDOR BACK.

So how much time should it take to buy a mount?


I hope you’re joking in claiming anyone who disagrees is a dev, but

flashes my super secret undercover blizzard dev badge


no, really, it’s a carrot on a stick, it’s meant to keep you enticed for more than 2 hours, 10 dungeon runs is literally nothing, come on lol.

How long should it take to buy a mount tell me

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in a single run of a repeating event where the mount is literally the big ticket driver? by the dev’s logic, probably more than a single run of the event, in this case? i guess like 5-6 hours if you’re really dedicated

if you paid attention to how the events worked before it was pretty clear you were meant to get 500 each TW event and then maybe farm some extra tertiary and get it after a few months once it rotated back in, this was changed with the ability to transfer TW coins, they could have just not made them warbound if you’d like i guess.

This is entire thing is only meant for their metrics to show that Q4 is active with players in november. The developers notes are not even justifiable.

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And whoever played since tw came out had to wait with 500 a week per alt to get the rewards… back when there was one tw expanaion… now there are SIX.

You havent told me why is wrong for someone to get the reward the week the event is up? You think is still acceptable that in order to get the tw mount you have to wait at least an entire cycle to even have the vendor back? Why?

Why does this 2014 event have to take months to get one of the rewards?


Yeah but thats why you built up the currency on your alts. Taking turns buying the big prize on each one. It’s definitely a massive nerf.


Yeah this is the kind of stuff from Blizz that just never makes sense.

“Since some people have already collected lots of badges we are going to nerf how fast you can collect badges. This change leaves the people that already collected the badges completely unaffected but anyone that hasn’t collected badges will be punished because other people already did.”

Their logic for making changes is just completely asinine at times.

How about giving people better stuff to spend the badges on so players don’t end up " holding a great many badges"?