Blizzard nerfs timewalking badges for literally no reason

Yeah, just noticed it. Kind of disappointing and I hope the upcoming event makes up for it. Or do they plan to use this to make us farm the Classic Timewalking dungeons over and over, because that sounds like it will get stale fast.

there is 100% a reason.

All the 20th Anniversary items will be purchased with said badges. Hence the nerf.

Blizzard loves grinds
 hates fun

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20th Anniversary event & warbanks / transfers are the reason.

What should we do now? Farm deaths of Chromie?

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So we will need timewarped badges for the anniversary venders?

I know they are introducing a new currency but wasn’t sure if the badges would be involved.

Of course they did this just in time for the 20th anniversary event with all those cool weapon transmogs. As always, this only affects returning players like myself and not existing players.

Things like this are why I often think twice about returning to wow because blizz will always make a stupid decision that punishes you for no reason. You should be giving returning players a reason to return, not punish you for returning


The compensation, and they should have done this when it was announced, is that we can now transfer badges across alts.

Telling us “We are allowing currency transfers and implementing a tax, plus reducing alts currency acquisition” is fine. Telling us “Here is an account wide currency system”, and then coming in months later like “Yeh and guess what
”, that is not fine.

It won’t go back because obviously it’s OP, I have 27 level 70+ characters, 13.5K badges a week all piled onto one character, that’s a little excessive.

If I’m not mistaken the t2 sets are to be bought with the new currency not from badges.

You need to think deeper about this. Everybody who was remotely motivated to get the TW badge cosmetics were already using multiple alts to do the weeklies. Why? Because the drop rate is ridiculously low. The weeklies are the only real source of badges.

Take 10 alts, do the weekly in 10 weeks by doing 1 dungeon each. Boom. 50k+ badges. More than 5000 on each so you can buy every cosmetic.

Newer players now trying to do that will simply take much longer. The same strategy will now take probably 18+ TW weeks. So badges have effectively been nerfed almost 50%.

Nobody is farming 50k badges on one toon. Nobody. Everything is using alts for this.

So if they’re going to change it, at least improve the boss badge drop rate. 5-10 is ridiculously low. And look at the completely random costs too.


This change makes no sense other than to make players spend more time grinding.

Hey Blizzard, grinding does not equal fun. Most of your player base is well into adulthood now, with other obligations in life.


always will be money.
they make things a drag so u stay subbed.
check the anniversary event for the best current example lol.

This seems resentful!

I’m also holding a great many trader’s tender. Are you coming for those too, Blizzard?


It seems more like a threat. Remember Shiny Pet Charms → Polished Pet Charms?


TW items are overpriced as hell


This Warband thing was sold as a positive for those who play alts, but I suspect Blizz is going to continue to screw it up, and we’ll all come to hate the addition in no time at all.


Tbh I wouldn’t mind if that 300 shortfall would be re-allocated somewhere else. E.g. complete 5 dungeons and get 300 badges. It still encourages people to play without forcefully taking a stream away. Or at least buff the amount of badges you get per dungeon to around 70-100 so that it’s also viable for people to play with a few characters instead of making like 60 alts.


thats because there is nothing i want to spend them on lol

the gear is trash and i dont really care about the heirlooms anymore since the exp buff is gone, and the mounts and cosmetics are not something i really care about.


My headcanon is that some of you work for Blizzard. Because every time they make a wrong decision, the same 4 people are here defend it


Honestly the mindset of the devs is like this rn: “Ugh people are never happy with the changes we make”

Seriously devs you messed up big time we had timewalking in September where we had no issues. This is bad as messing up the guild vault data.

Honestly karma will come after for these type of decision makers.


People that have been doing tw aince it began had to do that already. We had to wait how many weeks it ia with 500 per character separated. We already did that.

This is affecting those with few to no alts because now they cant even do that properly because there is a 40% tax.

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