You can’t take Stormsong as representative of the Horde. It was a last minute replacement of quillboars because “it was too boring.”
I said “should”
Another reason why I think Orcish Honor follows a more Roman-structure to it’s meaning as opposed to a Code of Conduct in battle. These orcs are acting like killing you will earn them something, probably elevate their position.
I do not think Orcish honor has anything to do with a Warrior’s code, I think it’s more about their social hierarchy.
It was a villainous line written to make you believe there was nothing good or noble about your opponent, incase impaling mothers to walls wasn’t enough.
I can, its canon and blizzard hasnt said otherwise, that you dont like it doesnt mean it didnt happened, i dont like that this happened either because it makes the horde more “morally gray” look like black charcoal.
Lets impale this man in front of his little girl for more morally grayness.
i know i wasnt arguing with you however thats the first thing that popped in my mind when i saw your post, hilarious isnt it?
I always viewed Orcish honor to be loosely based on the Norse/Viking definition of honor, what with the whole honorable death in battle to earn your place in the afterlife.
Then it’s like taking Arthas or Alterac as representative of the Alliance-en-Total.
You’re all that evil because a couple were.
Another way to look at it is that these are the “Lost Honor” Orcs who have lost their way under Sylvanas and striving to regain that honor the only way they can.
They’re what Saurfang was afraid of becoming.
1- i dont remember arthas being high king of the alliance then waging war on the horde.
2-what was the horde doing back then when perenolde was alive? oh right, sacking stormwind.
Look, i already agreed with you that i dont like that zone either but it happened, im not going to deevolve this argument with all the whatabautism that usually happens.
Um… they fought against the Alliance lol…
Those who attacked Brennadam were doing so as a Horde directive lol.
Man you’re touchy when it comes to the Horde being portrayed as evil.
The grunts weren’t Warchief. Rulership is irrelevant. If the grunts are representative of the entire Horde, you’re all evil because you were lackadaisical enough to allow Alterac into the Alliance, Genn into the Alliance, Arthas into the Alliance.
What are you showing me?..
Alterac and Arthas fought against the Alliance…
The Horde in whatever the town is called fighting Horde.
Okay… doesn’t change the fact that
“Brennadam almost fell when the Horde began an invasion of the region on the orders of Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner”
And in the Alliance questing experience, it’s the Alliance Champion and the Storm’s Wake Militia that fights them off…
Dude my point is that you can’t judge an entire organization by bad actors in the organization. I used Arthas and Alterac as examples. You said they didn’t count because they fought the Alliance.
By your very own logic, they’re excused from being linked to Horde mentality, as they are bad actors.
But they aren’t Horde… the people attacking Brennadam are… and are doing so under the directive of the Horde leadership (At the time).
They aren’t fighting the Horde, they are fighting for the Horde. Not sure why they attack you, probably an oversight or bug.
It is funny to me, that while Blizzard was making Sylvanas the obvious villain of the expansion, they still pull the veil over the eyes of the Horde fan base by removing text like this:
From the Warcheif’s orders letter in Brennadam
"Commander, take the valley. Burn the towns.
No survivors. All shall serve me, in the end. "
No. They’re Alliance. And they’re evil.
If the Horde attacking Brennadam make the entire Horde evil, then Alterac/Arthas/Staghelm make the entire Alliance evil.
If Arthas/Alterac/Staghelm attacking the Alliance excuses them from that comparison, then so to does the fact that Brennadam’s Horde attacks the Horde and are thus not representative of the Horde in any way.
Oh yea nice strawman but that wasnt my argument because i really didnt have one i just wanted to point out that your horde under your warchief’s orders attacked a civilian population in one of the worst ways possible and you cant deny it because you dont like it, it happened.
From the alliance side this acts are all we see from the horde exept baine.
Arthas literally destroyed several Alliance cities.
Alterac literally fought for the Horde against the Alliance.
Staghelm was literally corrupted by the Nightmare.
Brennadam shows Horde killing unarmed, innocent civilians, in collective agreement, under the directive of the Horde leadership…
Which is nothing new for the Horde, mind you. They have been doing that since before the Path of Glory.
And Brennadam’s Horde attempted to kill an orc warrior of the Horde.
Hostile to the Horde.