Blizzard needs to stop moralising the player base

So this is where I think the main issue with the story stems from. These writers have become so focused on try to put a positive message in their stories that they want to teach to the Player base. That they have completely lost sight of what made "war"craft a fascinating universe.

Blizzard have stopped focusing on writing a consistent believable Narrative so they can push their beliefs and politics into the game.

They need to take a step back and realize that the player base is here to enjoy a interesting story. We aren’t looking for lessons on why war is bad or why accepting people due to our differences in beliefs in a fictional universe is important.


I don’t remember making you the spokesperson of the forum?


Well I speak for myself, But hey if you like getting Lectures from Anduin about Horde honor because he understands it better than you be my guest.


So is this a thread about you disliking Anduin, then? You’d best label it as such, Hordehacker.

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I mean, he probably does. Because I don’t understand Horde honor at all.


Its not simply about Anduin although he does seem to be used as the writers mouth piece.

However it is more than that, Its the writers telling the players that we shouldn’t have like the nature of the horde as it was perceived in the past… or that the forsaken were living in such a terrible way they needed to change.

The premise that Justice is no better than vengeance and that is bad, and bad things happen to those who seek it.

Its telling us the Cycle is broken however never really showing us how anything has changed.

However that cause the writers have decided to change it everytime they start a new expac. This time its basically mean to be the same as the Alliance.


looks at title

looks at who’s posting it

Oh, okay, makes sense.


Yeah makes sense you wouldn’t post anything constructive towards the discussion.

In future don’t bother


Nothing in this thread is constructive. This is just yet another thinly-veiled “put the war back in Warcraft” post. Nothing new is being added, nothing new is being discussed.

You’re just whinging. There’s nothing constructive to be built from you soiling the bed in front of us - again.


Blizzard: Creates, cultivates, builds plot points to galvanize, and consistently advertises and hypes up aggressive tribalism in its playerbase

Also Blizzard: “faction war bad, no do”


I hate these so much more than I did before now in retrospect.

Not only did I not feel like it mattered back then, I was outright TOLD it doesn’t matter through BFA. I was just straight up lied to.


This is one of the issues I really had with BFA, they sold us an expansion promising faction pride and instead we got the opposite with the alliance sitting on its butt doing while having to have anduin preach about how the Horde is worth saving.

While the Horde had another expansion told everything about their History and Nature is wrong and they need to change.

It was bad back in MOP with having to listen the Panda’s moan on about the war but Its getting progressively worse every expac.


We’re different but we’re also going to keep the faction divide btw


I think to these commercials every time I see people discussing BFA. It lends more and more and more credence to the idea that they didn’t have BFA’s plotline ironed out even months before the expansion launched.


Oh my god that was cringe.


I had no doubt that, eventually, Blizzard would be required to pull back and go “war is hell”. But they made no real attempts in the actual narrative to even slightly make the player feel that tribal, “my side is better than your side” rush. No resettling of grievances, exploration of cultures…had cool battle setpieces sure, but played them consistently in ways neither side felt happy with them, and not in just a “war bad” way like they’d probably pretend it was supposed to.


I don’t believe it was all due to it being rushed, I feel there was a sudden change in direction of the story towards the end of development which changed everything

I mean look at all the odd things like rexxar claiming Jaina had killed too many. Rembmer when they announced BFA it was originally going to be anduin trying to prove himself his fathers sons.

I reckon the original Idea was to have the Alliance be more the aggressor and the Horde the reactionary force, however it was Sylvanas stoking the flames war more subtlety. Even Metzen was surprised it was the Horde attacking first.

However I can see that as soon as they announced Golden was coming into the writing staff that she would never let Jaina be evil or Anduin ever do anything wrong. Instead she writes Anduin and by extension the alliance like they are rolemodels for her son(which she admitted to on twitter).


It matters… not.


I thought those commercials were a bit corny and dumb. But what"s worse, they proved false. Almost a bait and switch.

I could go on, but it’s a bit early for that kind of bile. Those commercials can really bring it out, though.


I agree that Blizzard is failing to give a reason why the Horde should exist because the Alliance is just perfect but I also think the WoW playerbase has a significant following of people that were surprised to see Sylvanas burn Teldrassil and said she was being “evil for no reason.”
