Blizzard needs to make a dating site for gamers

:roll_eyes: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Anakin is not a proud father.

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Let’s not do this.

You could just script/engineer them to be exactly who you want, at any time, eh? lol

Hmmm, a perfect match!

I was thinking more Swtor-like romances, with established characters. It’s slightly more likely to happen in WoW than a reL dating site.

you mean the in game whisper function isn’t enough? I suppose once people learned ingame gender does not really = rl gender things died down so :woman_shrugging: lol

A more in depth profile system for characters on their website seems like a cool idea to me. Could add a check box for “looking to share my love boat” or something along those lines… lol

We all lewdies :smiling_imp:

The “sausage party” problem would be 10x worse on a gamer dating site, because although there are more women gaming now than ever, those from that group who are single wouldn’t touch such a dating site with a 10-foot pole because guy gamers have a reputation of being boorish/ill-mannered/unhygenic/etc. It wouldn’t work at all.

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Have a Tunnel of Love in Torghast.

After meeting up with some women after a few midnight launches, I can share with you everything that can and will absolutely go wrong.

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The OP should stop by to see my mailbox dancing routine. :grin:

You will be dating other hot chicks in wow and hairy naked fat dude behind the monitor if there’s a website


Sir, this is a Wendy’s and you’re not wearing pants.

like it needs another toxic platform.

Boy: I don’t date girls who wants to be carried.
Girl: I don’t date boys who main orc warriors.
Boy: I only date pve girls. PvP girls are debatable.
Girl: I only date pvp boys. PvE boys are debatable.

G.I.R.L Goblin in real life. Do you really want to meet people out to steal you blind?

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I think the wife and I met on a forum and were married in 2005 and have been happily married ever since.
Course…on the other hand…one of us could have been a knife wielding maniac…so theres that.

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So it’s a sausage party?

Just like the majority of dating sites…and thats not counting the iceberg of dead profiles or people faking being interested to keep you paying.

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Wouldn’t even get there little dude. I gotta make the money and stay on my grind.

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I can just see the complaints about Dater IO now.

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