Blizzard Needs to Look at Gear Reqs, BEFORE They Are a Problem

I bought some of this gear for my hunter alt. At lvl 61, I have 97% mastery. That is insane. I know as I get towards 70 the stats will go back down to normal but honestly I wouldn’t have a problem with this gear being a thing as 60-70 is a major bore and there are only so many times I can do these quests before I want to just do a hard pass on the whole thing.

If they revert it, I have BoA gear I can use but I hope it is here to stay for a bit as it was really fun not struggling to kill stuff.

On a full server like Proudmoore, its prob cheaper.

I got most slots filled for 10k total on Tich. Not sure if the prices went up since yesterday but it was pretty good value IMO.

Seems like they just hotfixed it.

This hasnt been completely fixed. There are still people in the 60 bgs with 250-300k hp versing 60k-ish levellers.
Which means there are still 379s around without a 70 level req

Nevermind… Blizzard has now goofed 3 times in a single reset.

The bracers, and other gear I have on, shown earlier in the pic I uploaded, are still usable at 60. This stuff has the “Zaralek Surveyor’s” prefix.

Accidents happen and things will always slip through the cracks.

I’m sad man. It was really fun to plow through mobs and not have any downtime. I didn’t do any PvP with it, but luckily I was able to max my skinning on that alt really fast with the way I was able to 2 shot most animals. It’s sadly more like 5 shots needed to kill them, but yeah. Fun detected and so therefore quickly nerfed.

Blizzard needs to do a lot of things that they don’t. That’s why their customers hate them so much.

Yea, but they have made the same mistake 6 times in 5 months. At some point, I expect them to learn : /

This is false in warlords of draenor there was level 91 gear that could be upgraded to have level 100 stats. stop acting like they never had gear that players could use to catch up on current expansion levels.

I do admit that Blizzard does have quality control issues that need to be addressed. Some things obviously should have not slipped by this easily. Players are at fault too, a lot of them should not be trusted with the keys to the castle, so to speak.

This exact sentence could be flipped and said about the players who think they can use endgame gear on low levels.

I’m not sure which part of this you are calling false. The fact that Bliz messed up, the fact that they applied their latest hotfix really inconsistently, or the fact that this is level 70 gear on level 60s… I mean, did you see my stats in that pic? 114% mastery.

Naw that won’t happen-- You give someone who has never known power, a good taste of it, and they are gonna want to use it. There won’t be any thought to the consequences. And that is an unfortunately common mind set.

It’s not ENDGAME GEAR and in draenor you literally could get level 91 gear with stats as level 100 gear

Warlords of Draenor is 9 year old content. Not a good comparison.

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  • High Maul
LFR 640 ilvl
Normal 655 ilvl

Upgrading Profession Epics (645-670)

Players with a crafting profession can make all the crafted gear listed above as well as some consumables that can permanently boost the item level of a crafted item. Armor goes 640 > 655 > 670 and weapons go 630 > 645 > 660.

These items could be worn at level 91

Literally the same thing
They didn’t nerf the Ilevel then but they nerfed it now.

Sorry but history is on our side for this.
They have had gear with low level reqs in previous expansions

Making this change is a slap in the face to players

Ah you are one of “those” player types, exploit when you can and often, not my fault the game is bugged.


I literally just resubbed to wow on friday and started playing on Sunday, I saw the gear on the AH and I bought it. I switched back to my original server because my brother convinced me to play Dragonflight on an RP server when dragon flight just came out…
I have not played since.
You’re one of those people who blindly defend blizzard or just trolling if you wanna put labels on people.
I was simply trying to catch up to level 70 and play.

My characters are softlocked because the item restoration service doesn’t seem to be working I don’t know if it’s because I just resubbed or what.

When I work 60 hours a week you god damn right I’m going to use a catch up mechanic

If you know my post history (especially about forum moderation), that statement is laughable

To you, trolling is saying something you don’t like, or your opinion is not in agreement with me?

Do you have heirlooms? Use those.

I cannot believe that you are SO naive to think " Hey neat, Endgame gear is available for me at 60, it must be legit."

So, cheat your way to the top?

They literally blindsided players with this