You should have seen it coming. It was quite obvious. “Should level 60s have usable level 70 gear?” I saw it right away it wasn’t right, and saved myself the gold.
Level 91 gear with lvl 100 stats in WOD literally
must not been around
In this context history does matter you brainlet
Ah Insults… Is that the best you can offer?
Oh, okay, that’s why it’s for level 70’s and level 70 isn’t the endgame level. My bad.
nah this was just another one of those week 1 perks for zoning into raid, made lots of gold selling these pieces on the AH with alot going for 10k each.
Bugs happen. Some things can’t be foreseen when they go live.
Because people in PvP were getting slaughtered. It’s not intended for max level ilevels to be used at lower levels.
No one was “punished.” A bug was fixed. People who know how these ilevels work know better. Those that are new just ended up learning the hard way not to spend insane amounts of gold on such things. Do an item restoration and you’re done.
Wod had level 91 gear that had levle 100 stats and could be upgraded from it’s base LFR stats to heroic ilevel
Bug is not fixed. Hotfix was not applied consistently, and there are still plenty of level 70 items usable at 60.
Aint it the truth? lol
or someone phoned it in on their job and was more worried about their Tik Tok engagements than the actual work they get paid for performing…
anyone can come up with wild guesses to what happened… What we actually DO know is something that shouldn’t have EVER hit live… Hit live…