Blizzard Needs to Look at Gear Reqs, BEFORE They Are a Problem

So for those unaware, a hotfix went live at 5pm pst, Wednesday, in order to address the ilvl 379 catch-up gear FAILING to come out with a level 70 level requirement. The result was that this gear ended up being used on MUCH lower level toons than intended…

Thankfully, Blizzard caught this fairly early-- but that has more to do with some less-than noble folks, hard stuck at challenger 1, publicly flashing this stuff around in low level bgs for kicks.

Unfortunately, we shouldn’t have to count on bad actors being that dumb, in order for Blizzard to catch an issue like this.

I want to see more attention to details like this on Blizzard’s part BEFORE this stuff gets out. If tanking taught me anything, it’s that proactive mitigation is always better than reactive mitigation.


I feel bad for those that got it and then had the level requirement slapped on to it after the fact.

379 is lower than forbidden reach tokens. So I don’t see why it couldn’t be listed as 60-70 gear.


Don’t feel too bad. It was really easy to get, and it’s true that it could have helped a fair number of folks… Its a shame it was used the way it was though.

I didn’t know low levels could do Rated PvP.

Also, hindsight is 20-20.


“Challenger” when it would have been current for them. Eg: a 60 when SL was the current expansion.

If you mean “why is their rank important?” Its because you have a guy that’s never had power before suddenly being handed SO MUCH power that they can decide who lives and who dies-- It’s not really a surprise when they use it to grief people.

Ah. Right. The low-brow insinuation that players are bad at the game. Forgot. Wait, now I remember, I think someone used that as an insult towards me in whispers after I killed them in WPvP. Good for a chuckle.

I have no love for people who exploit things but since it is casual, unrated and low-level content, there likely isn’t going to be much more than a slap on the wrist if even that. Then again, I care even less for presumptuous and condescending tones in arguments. Who knows, maybe the exploiters were Rank 1s on alts just jerking around because they found a funny thing to do in PvP?

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I’m not saying the players should be punished. I’m saying Blizzard needs to be more proactive about preventing this kind of thing by actually paying attention to the requirements they slap on gear in the first place.

I’m fine with it. I found it kind of odd that my level 63 priest could wear 379 gear. I’ll probably log in naked though.

Has your gear been taken yet? because i just got the gear today thinking its fine to use in pve? i dont want to get in trouble for something that isnt my fault for being there.

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The current greens are pretty nutso. Everyone is using it.

IMO, everyone having access to nutso gear is better than only players who bought DF and grinded renown then transferred a 60 to another account without DF having nutso gear. It’s bonkers but also fair.


Lol Rita, who are you? xD

Hi, I am a gnome!

A gnome without cookies :frowning:

I have cookies too, but I don’t give them out. I’m not as generous as our cookie king Grumbles.


I think all gear should have no level requirements

See BoE’s from raids go for gold cap cuz smurfs wanna smurf


Tell me you are a Bronze League of Legends degenerate without telling me you are a Bronze League of Legends degenerate.

Well, I found out from checking out a retribution paladin in my dungeon run. A level 62 retribution paladin, and they were just mowing stuff down. So I inspected them and after seeing the BOE gear I went to the Ah (naturally) to check and there it was.

So, I bought some (which to be honest it was pretty high in price) but after reading this post I am wondering if the gear will be removed or if it’s going to be left as is being sold on the AH?

I mean, it does kind of do away with having to do any Heroics with you already having a level of 379 or more, like I level 357 because of trinkets at level 60.

I had no idea this stuff even existed until tonight, and didn’t even know there were any problems until finding this thread.

To be honest, my first thought I said to my wife was, “well they found a way to twink out level 60 and above”.

Well that makes two of us :smiley:

Buuuuut with the way you write, you know a bit about the problem that made so many leave this little bracket early on. Thought maybe we had run into each other at least once.

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Those using it in pve shouldn’t be punished.

Those using it in pvp should be punished. As they know it’s an unfair advantage.