Blizzard needs to delay Shadowlands release to Jan-Feb of 2021

Asking for a better chance at a finished product implies that it isn’t perfection incarnate right now.

Some people don’t like that.

Typically I enjoy Preach, but this time around he’s been extremely obnoxious. He’s just repeatedly said “This is trash, this is trash, Venthyr is the best, you’re trolling if you play anything else. Literally everything is trash.”, while providing no actual feedback at all.

Sad how most of the big Youtubers just say the same thing, and don’t actually do much reporting or provide feedback.


Wow no need to be rude man. All I did was express my opinion and you come back like that? And you can only speak for yourself. Learn how to have a discussion and communicate with people. Hope whenever shadowlands come out that we all enjoy it.

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Citation needed.
Provide evidence of “the vast majority” agreeing with you to back up your argument, or you’re spewing nonsense.


It’s Blizzards fault, after he did his " one on one " with Ion, the subrredit and the forums started to give him so much praise it got over his head
and he’s still salty about his ban, so, ofc
If he can make a video complaining for 20 minutes to milk the youtube ads, he’ll do it

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Source : Me guys pls believe me


They had two years so far, thats enough time.

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Indeed as can be seen by the people here raging about even bringing up the possibility for a delay for a chance at a better product.

The same people will be the first ones here whining and crying when the game is a complete unbalanced and buggy mess just like they were during the early BFA days.

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It’s alright they’ll fix their issues a few months down the line when everyone yells at them on here and they do there once a year reading of these forums.

If shadowlands doesn’t come out in November I’m pretty sure all my friends will stop playing.

BFA can’t hold the players anymore. Unless they make cloak and essences account wide and let people play alts. That might but them another month or 2


I understand that the content is stale, and that will hurt, but blizzard is also partial to blame for that for cancelling 8.5 and throwing the rest of BFA into the crapper. However, rushing SL before everything is ready will be much worse.

They do but they wont. Instead as usual they will bow down to Activisions need for Christmas quarter money and will release Shadowlands the Beta client to everyone that pays up and slowly fix things along the way instead of waiting and releasing a finished product.

This right here is the huge red flag of poor game design. Players should NEVER feel like this if a game is made properly.

There was never going to be 8.5 there was talk of 8.3.5.

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I’d prefer that they didn’t, because I’m looking forward to it. I mean if they decide to do it I won’t be bothered.

No he speaks for us.

I think Shadowlands will be fine if the covenants were only costumisation options and mounts … I miss class identity so much .
Legendary item and tier sets felt better … Than Azerite + Neck+ Corruption…

They cut BFA content to work on the new expansion. The fact that they are still behind isn’t a good sign. :+1:

I would agree to delay Shadowlands but we need a small patch with something inside … 2 new allied races and some raid with 2-3 Bosses …