Blizzard needs to delay Shadowlands release to Jan-Feb of 2021

Who is “us”? We each only speak for ourselves.

Normally, I’d agree, but if a delay means 8.3 lasts one minute longer than planned… I’ll take the buggy, glitchy 9.0 because it could not possibly be worse than 8.3


I more enjoying the fact how your say been flagged as spam and harmful content for the community :slight_smile:

And here we go with BFA 2.0, and they’re rushing it even more that I thought they would.

Preach literally is trying to call attention to the problems and Blizzard is full steam ahead.

Hype Train full speed ahead!!!

So what you’re saying is, the biggest, most expansion-defining feature was awful and nobody liked it but outside of the big expansion-defining feature the expansion was fine?

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Yeah pretty much.
Think of it this way, if someone made salad for dinner but nobody there liked salad, would you say that dinner was not ready?
Of course not, it was ready just no one liked it.

If the expansion-defining feature had to be scrapped exactly one full content patch into the expansion despite it being universally reviled from its conception I can pretty confidently say it wasn’t ready.

and i can confidently say youre wrong.
Youre misusing the word.

I know what you mean but it was infact ready

Man am I glad I didn’t buy into the Steamscale Incinerator promotion. Time to wait until it’s fixed in 9.2/9.3.

Glad you reminded me. Now that we have a release date I need to see if it’s still available. That sucks it ended on the 10th. :cry:

Hey, nice call there. Guess you being a smug jerk in the thread really is paying off for you.