Blizzard needs to delay Shadowlands release to Jan-Feb of 2021

I promise you they will put an ability in that slot before they release sl.

That is true, but I am just so disappointed that they didn’t have something there on the PTR, one month from the pre-patch. I haven’t noticed anything like this on the other specs I’ve tried, and it makes me feel really bad. They won’t have time to balance the talent for live, and it seems like they don’t care. :frowning:

Surv, ret, ww monk? We all know blizz doesn’t make significant improvements to specs during an expansion. So those specs i mentioned would have to wait another 2 years after being below average for the last few already. Its best for the game to be delayed if everything isn’t ready. Wouldnt it be nice for an expansion to be well received unlike bfa?

This isn’t about game being ready - nobody at blizzard cares. It’s about maximizing profit. Bobby knows how to make highest cash possible, he’s there for that exact reason.

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I agree if they want to do a good job they should delay. But I also know that at this point the game needs a new vision and leadership. The choice is easy for me. I will let readers decide what I am saying if they read between the lines. :+1: :thinking: :cowboy_hat_face:

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Vast majority of people want this game delayed if it’s going to be unfinished. This is the truth and it won’t be changed. Delay it to Q1 2021 if the developers need more time.

I’m not sure how much they should delay it, but I’m in the same boat the people who are saying “don’t release it until its ready” (Blizzard use to be like that).

And to the people who want it out this year wether its ready or not,
I personally think you don’t have the right to complain if live becomes a bug fest.
Why? Because you asked for it.

You sadly are right, we are on to class tuning now when bugs are still just completely rampant

It is going to be a massive fecalstorm more than likely

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I vote they delay it another couple months. I prefer to not be a retail beta tester.


Impossible! Cayna assured everyone here that the entire playerbase wants SL released ASAP regardless of the state it’s in.

I don’t think they can afford a delay.

They have nothing else to play in their hand otherwise we would’ve heard something.

If they have to sacrifice quality for distraction Blizz will do it to remain somewhat relevant as I doubt many avid gamers are sticking around for the blackout news on all their other products.

So two things
A: Its not Sunday so you can cut back on the trolling.
B: They never said that they simply pointed out that you do not speak for everyone and then you stated calling them names.


If you have a team that is just making a game so the game is going out. I don’t think any amount of polish is going to make a game that is going to be poorly written and poorly designed any better.

They could delay the release for however long they wished and say, “we are polishing it up” all the while not doing anything to it other than what they already planned.

So instead of hearing, “You released the game early, the game is garbage.” you just replace the word early with later. End result is still the same.

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Speak for yourself. I don’t want them to delay shadowlands. I’m so sick of 8.3 and everything it’s brought with it. Very excited for shadowlands to get here.


Yes you’re excited for an unfinished PoS glorified beta just like BfA was.

The vast majority wants it delayed if it means actually putting out a good product.

Nice ad hominem. Next time actually make an argument instead of a fallacy.

Nothing about what I said was a ad hominem. You don’t speak for anyone but yourself. This is a fact. And calling anyone that disagrees with you a simp just because they disagree is trolling.


BfA didn’t truly test Azerite gear until like, a week before release.

Shadowlands has tested everything quite a bit.

There’s a massive difference in their Alpha/Beta cycles this time around.


When was the last time you feel that Acti / Blizz put out a polished project?

He wouldn’t lie to me, right?


Ahh yes GD.

Where asking for better chances at a finished product is controversial.