Blizzard needs to delay Shadowlands release to Jan-Feb of 2021

Ah there you go! Had to type that one out with your pointer fingers?

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Says the guy who created a topic on a public forum :joy::clown_face:

How do you not expect people to have conversations ? You hit the submit button on a blizzard forum that is PUBLIC . What is so hard to understand ?


A couple of extra months is not long enough for them to do deep-level system reworks. If your feelings on e.g. covenants are “this option is OP and should be nerfed, this UI could use a few tweaks” that’s doable by the end of 2020. If your feelings are more like “this is an awful system and needs to be completely redesigned” then you’d be looking at significantly later in the year than January.


How many times does it need to happen before you all realize that an unpolished product on release is the norm now? It’s been happening since MoP, yet “don’t worry it’s still beta!” is the mantra. Have you never touched a hot stove as a kid?

You’d have better luck getting people to not preorder vs blizzard delaying anything.

No it’s just common sense that once you post in a PUBLIC forum that everyone can comment as much as they want . đŸ€·

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No OP. Its really not that bad. People over think it. Doesn’t matter how the end game of soulbinds and covenants are the elitists will find a way to exclude people. Ive been playing beta every day for the last week and a bit and have 0 issues with how its looking

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I think the OP is severely lacking in common sense. And if you don’t agree with him all he does is name calling like a child.


What about Shadowlands isn’t polished or seem ready for release?

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The masses are telling you that you don’t, so shut up.


It’s a lose/lose situation. Blizzard delays the expansion, causing the player base to be in the same content for a year or longer, or they release another buggy expansion. Players will complain either way. To note, this release schedule is pretty much what they have been going with since Wrath
 Expansion drops, 3-3.5 content patches over the course of two years, new expansion again. Not entirely sure what changed from legion to BFA, or why it’s still evidently a problem going into Shadowlands. But on that same note, there has yet to be an expansion that has released flawlessly. They have all had pretty major bugs on release, that the testers couldn’t find due to it having to do with the sheer number of players on live rather than the beta servers. The biggest issue that persists in BFA (apart from core expansion features) was that Tol Dagors walls are pretty much non-existent. BFA isn’t really “buggy”, it is just hated because its features are terrible, and the entire story is just kind of all over the place.

I would definitely mind. I feel like there’s absolutely nothing to do in the game right now. I’ve never felt an end of expansion boredom like I do here.

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I feel that either way the expansion will launch not 100% polished. In which case, screw it - launch the game and fix it as we go, like with the previous expansion. Also, there’s still plenty of time between now and a possible release date. Bug test the crap out of it then launch in Nov and Dec.

Everything will be okay, guys! <3

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Yeah, no.

I want out of BFA very badly.


There’s no pressure to release in 2020, they’ll release when it’s ready and delay if they have to. If they’re releasing in 2020, then they have a good idea about the state of the game (keep in mind that Blizzard staff work with builds one or two versions ahead of what we’re testing).

Activision does not give Blizzard marching orders, something that Blizzard staff themselves have attested to multiple times, yet for some reason, despite multiple claims and no proof to the contrary, no one accepts the reality.

So do I. :wave:

they could release it buggy tonight and id be happy

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It doesn’t matter when they release it tbh. They are standing their ground on the terrible covenant system. That will be shadowlands downfall more than a few bugs making it through.

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 on the PTR, my Sub Rogue has a “Coming Soon” ability in the first row instead of a talent. Please don’t ignore Subtlety for yet another expansion. PLEASE.

They could delay SL till 2022 and it still wouldn’t make it a 100% polished game. Something will always come up if the devs who delay a game and not actually put effort into making a game the best it could be (look at The Last of Us 2).

BFA could have been delayed till today (2 years later) and wouldn’t have fixed a damn thing that was wrong in BFA.

Even not having that 100% guarantee of SL not being bug free and “balanced” (lol good one, nothing is ever gonna be balanced). I’d rather be playing SL than this crap BFA. If they released SL right now or within the week, it would probably the be the best thing they’ve put out in the last 2.5 years which is pretty sad.