Blizzard needs to delay Shadowlands release to Jan-Feb of 2021

You right, I definitely claimed I want perfection. Not like people got m+ cache rewards for legion dungeons done a month prior. Too much to expect a small indie company to do that properly.

Depends on the country, in NA it won’t be a big deal but some parts in Europe I think Germany and UK have laws like that.

Oh noes-ies. People got some unintended rewards that were fixed 2 hours after it happened. Oh woes end of the world. La cry.


I dont mind a delay what i do mind is them not saying anythiny until iys late.

Many companies do this which pisses me off. Also i dony think they can due to already giving a q4 2020 set date which caus3s issues in other countries legal wisr from what ive heard

The only major issues BfA had at launch were a couple initial bugs that realistically weren’t going to be caught until a mass amount of players swarmed through.

Unless you mean the whole “lack of sources of azerite gear” thing that prompted the Titan Residuum vendor in a patch? Because I still disagree with that notion. The only reason it felt lacking was because Mythic+ is 1000% overly rewarding and endless. Azerite Gear sources were in line with everything but that.

Some of y’all seem to be under the impression that more time = automatically better product. But if it’s done, it’s done. More time won’t catch the issues that millions of players will.

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I agree. Drop the pre-patch and allow people to explore the new leveling changes for two months with the scour age invasion being one month and then release in Jan

Um excuse me?? When did you start paying my bills? Until you do you do not have the right to speak for me or anyone else.


I’m amazed at how many people here are willing to accept an unfinished, unpolished expansion at release once again.


Cool, let’s not talk like adults. Bi-weekly azerite passes, how are you going to talk down to me about that?

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Love how Cayna is liking every post that wants the release date rushed.


If they release the expansion in early 2021 then any bugs that would have been fixed would have been tripled if they had release it it mid oct…If they release it in mid oct then some of the bad bugs would be ironed out…example servers not working right.

have you forgotten about duke nukem that game was in development heck for 8-10 years and it was a hot mess

False equivalency with an entire game in development hell for a decade vs an expansion from Blizzard.

That’s a first though. “Giving something longer development time will make the game worse!”

By your standard, Apocalypse Now would have been the same as Plan 9 From Outer Space.

Oh and Cayna’s replying! Been in my topic for 5 hours now! Do you have a life Cayna?

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Yes I’m all for them doing the release on the schedule they currently have planned. You are the one demanding it be changed to suit you.


I had a lot of fun with BFA, and I don’t recall running into any significant bugs. I’m looking forward to SL—I expect that I’ll enjoy it.

You have my apologies for not subscribing to the conventional, sky-is-falling wisdom of GD.


No they do not I’d like to play it already been waiting long enough . I’ve pre-ordered along time ago the yr is almost over . So I do mind if it’s released in 2021 I would be mad because the preorder and their whole advertisement said 2020. They can polish things thru patches . They won’t lose loyalty lots of people complain way too much over everything now and days . Unless half the people unsubscribe blizzard won’t notice of you very few unsub . It wouldn’t make a difference at all.


Do you or are you just here to whine? You seem obsessed with me… I find that rather funny. :rofl:


It’ll never be ‘polished’ to your liking.
There is a difference for us armchair devs who sit here having wants and likes, to them who have internal dates and need to keep things moving.

No fact that if they delay it, they’ll address your problem or someone elses’ so they’ll be back at square one with you so stop with this ‘delay for it to be better’ crap.


They can reply as much as they like you posted in a public forum :joy::clown_face:


Says the kid who had to reply twice to me and has been in my topic for almost a quarter of a day.

Keep simping though. Oh there is Cayna replying again! I can see you Cayna! Keep up your simping!

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I’ve replied to other people more than you but just keep trolling even though you aren’t very good at it.